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M210 Cendence Z30 buttons

Apr 20, 2014
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London UK
Hi, I am new to 210/Z30/cendence. I am amazed to not being able to control the exposure, iso etc with CS,CA,CE and flywheel as normally supposed to. Knob doesn't control focus ever. Do I miss something? Thanks. (I use single downward bracket at the moment.)
Wasn’t a troll. I’ll explain. Since you claimed that you are “new” to that system, if you take the time to research that platform and it’s compatible cameras, you might have been informed enough that you would understand the functions available for the Z30.
My apologies if you feel I was out of place.
Wasn’t a troll. I’ll explain. Since you claimed that you are “new” to that system, if you take the time to research that platform and it’s compatible cameras, you might have been informed enough that you would understand the functions available for the Z30.
My apologies if you feel I was out of place.
It is not because a camera has the "purpose" of being used in inspections and surveys, that it should lack of practicality to adjust exposure and focus on the fly through the remote. furthermore, these adjustments are possible on screen via the camera menus so it is expectable to find them repeated by those dedicated buttons on the remote. Or is it asking too much? Not everyone is happy with auto settings or substandard access to control of the picture. The Z30 is not only made to read a number plate at 2 miles distance but also to expose it correctly. For that, the photographer needs to be able to do his job as he is supposed to. If it is really the case here, this is no less than a misconception from DJI (which is not completely amazing as it is the same problem with the Mavic 2 enterprise dual.) and DJI can be blamed and shamed for it, and not the professional who expects just to find at least the basics from a camera/setup.
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