
  1. Members ONLY discount!

    Neary Aerial Media is offering 15% off on all DJI Gold Service Contracts for PhantomPilots and InspirePilots members. Offer ends Sunday!! Use coupon code: dronepilots Neary Aerial - Drone and UAV Extended Warranty
  2. Drone Crash Warranty

    In early 2015, Neary Aerial Media teamed up with UAV Repair Shop to offer an Extended Warranty Service Contract for drones. UAV Repair Shop caters to people with damaged drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, also known as UAV. For example: DJI Phantom, Phantom 2 Vision/Vision+, Phantom 3...
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    Inspire X5 gimbal bent

    My X5 gimbal got bent as showed in the pic (didn't realize it, turned it on again and the gimbal worked normal, just got orientated to the side app showing evrything normal), seems like the plastic protection of the gimbal engine is somehow misplaced but I couldn't figure it out without...
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    Your experience of DJI Support??

    Having recently had a big bill for a crash at low altitude and speed. After they had the Inspire 1 for several weeks I've seen conflicting information from across the world on which continent gets the best support. In Europe we seem to get royally SHAFTED by our Chinese friends. While in the US...
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    Dead navigation LED on Inspire 1 any ideas?

    The Inspire 1 which has not flown and only been powered up 3 x times, has a dead LED on the front left arm. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks