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İnspire 1 v2 motor overload

Oct 18, 2024
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I’m facing an issue with my drone. It’s unstable during takeoff and flight, and shortly after takeoff, I receive a battery error, causing it to descend. When I checked the DAT files, I found hard fault errors. Has anyone encountered a similar issue, or does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Even if I give full power to the motors while the drone is on the ground, there is no problem, but once it’s in the air, the voltage suddenly drops completely, and the drone becomes extremely unstable. I don’t think the issue is with the batteries, as I’ve tested with five different ones.

DJI Go send motor overload and some strong wireless interference.

WhatsApp Video 2024-10-15 saat 18.23.47_98a0e4e8.mp4 The video

[hardfault]:******************check fault info and trace ************6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:-----fault is null: addr(0x40024000),flag(0xbe17842c)-----6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:-----fault is null: addr(0x400241a0),flag(0x35aa5b04)-----6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:-----task info is null: addr(0x40024340),flag(0x096b8fbf)-----6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:-----trace info is null: addr(0x400244d0),flag(0x56afccfa)-----6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:******************check last trace ******************6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:-----trace info is null: addr(0x40024790),flag(0xcd714b7c)-----6.790 : 0 [hardfault]:-----wdg_time_info is null: addr(0x40024a50),flag(0x10ecf230)-----


[Err] OFDM_TX State:0x00000008

Every time that 2 errors come.
What is the individual cell voltage while in the air? While it does this with all 5 batteries it is not impossible that all of them are gone. Check the voltage in the logs or check them realtime trough the GO app, click on battery to show the details and all cells screen.
While in the air they should be not lower than 3.8v per cell even on a 100% charged battery they’ll go pretty quick down to 3.8 and will stay around for the most of the flight.

The stability issue could be because you fly over repeating ground pattern. The downward visual position sensor doesn’t work over water and ground tiles so it may get fooled and try to stay stable but can’t make it cause of the tiles.
Havadayken bireysel hücre voltajı nedir? Bunu 5 pilin hepsiyle yaparken hepsinin bitmiş olması imkansız değildir. Günlüklerdeki voltajı kontrol edin veya GO uygulaması aracılığıyla gerçek zamanlı olarak kontrol edin, ayrıntıları ve tüm hücreler ekranını göstermek için pile tıklayın.
Havadayken hücre başına 3.8V'un altına düşmemeleri gerekir; %100 şarjlı bir bataryayla bile oldukça hızlı bir şekilde 3.8V'a düşecekler ve uçuşun çoğu boyunca bu seviyede kalacaklardır.

Denge sorunu, tekrarlayan zemin deseninin üzerinden uçmanızdan kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Aşağı doğru görsel konum sensörü su ve zemin döşemeleri üzerinde çalışmaz, bu nedenle kandırılabilir ve dengede kalmaya çalışabilir ancak döşemeler nedeniyle bunu başaramayabilir.
All the cells are dying and all of them are gradually losing voltage. I tested my batteries to see if this is caused by the batteries. Again, we will test it again soon with a friend who has inspire.

I'm experiencing an unbalanced takeoff issue everywhere. The log records show 2 errors in the IMU sensor; I can share them if you’d like.
Where are you checking the log, in the go app or you are exporting it to a cloud service like airdata.com?
IMU error seems like it need repair, what is the overall status of the IMU in the app? Did you tried calibrating the IMU according to instructions?
Any new tests with your friend, let us know what happens?
Where are you checking the log, in the go app or you are exporting it to a cloud service like airdata.com?
IMU error seems like it need repair, what is the overall status of the IMU in the app? Did you tried calibrating the IMU according to instructions?
Any new tests with your friend, let us know what happens?
So much sorry for late answer.

I'm checking on CsvView. I didn't check battery but ı found some think on logs, probably electromagnetic sensor (INT8303) ıs broken. (ı try to use Airdata but is not working)

I will replace the n-core.

-312.730 : 0 IST8303[2:0x1c]:Init...
-312.727 : 0 IST8303[2:0x1c]:set mode failed <-------------IN THERE
-312.727 : 0 ist83xx:0 ret:-14
-312.013 : 0 ms5607:0 ret:0 spi_id:0 init ok
-309.193 : 0 eeprom load 0 0 22 32
-309.155 : 0 eeprom load 1 32 28 32
-309.118 : 0 eeprom load 2 64 34 40
-309.062 : 0 eeprom load 3 104 20 24
-309.025 : 0 eeprom load 4 128 132 136
-308.912 : 0 eeprom load 5 264 128 136
-308.798 : 0 eeprom load 6 400 12 16
-308.762 : 0 eeprom load 7 416 40 48
-308.705 : 0 eeprom load 8 464 11 16
-308.668 : 0 eeprom load 9 480 1 8
-308.632 : 0 eeprom load 10 488 6 16
-308.595 : 0 eeprom load 11 504 4 8
-308.558 : 0 eeprom load 12 512 52 56
-308.502 : 0 eeprom load 13 568 8 16
-308.465 : 0 eeprom load 14 584 7 16
-308.428 : 0 eeprom load 15 600 12 16
-308.372 : 0 eeprom load 16 616 38 48
-308.317 : 0 eeprom load 17 664 12 16
-308.260 : 0 eeprom load 18 680 56 64
-308.205 : 0 eeprom load 19 744 32 40
-308.148 : 0 eeprom load 20 784 1 8
-308.112 : 0 eeprom load 21 792 16 24
-308.055 : 0 eeprom load 22 816 16 24
-308.018 : 0 eeprom load 23 840 1 8
-307.982 : 0 eeprom load 24 848 1 8
-307.945 : 0 eeprom load 25 856 10 16
-307.888 : 0 eeprom load 26 872 36 40
-307.833 : 0 eeprom load 27 912 52 56
-307.758 : 0 eeprom load 28 968 44 48
-307.702 : 0 eeprom load 29 1016 28 32
-307.647 : 0 eeprom load 30 1048 18 24
-307.592 : 0 eeprom load 31 1072 16 24
-307.553 : 0 eeprom load 32 1096 72 80
-307.478 : 0 eeprom load 33 1176 24 32
-307.423 : 0 eeprom load 34 1208 64 72
-307.348 : 0 eeprom load 35 1280 24 32
-307.312 : 0 eeprom load 36 1312 96 104
-307.120 : 0 mis cali 55 55 3ecc fff0 cnt:2
-307.120 : 0 imu status:0
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:******************check fault info and trace ************
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:-----fault is null: addr(0x40024000),flag(0xbe17843c)-----
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:-----fault is null: addr(0x400241a0),flag(0x35ae5b04)-----
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:-----task info is null: addr(0x40024340),flag(0x0b6b8fbf)-----
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:-----trace info is null: addr(0x400244d0),flag(0x56aeccf0)-----
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:******************check last trace ******************
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:-----trace info is null: addr(0x40024790),flag(0xcd744f7c)-----
-307.120 : 0 [hardfault]:-----wdg_time_info is null: addr(0x40024a50),flag(0x10e8f230)-----
-307.120 : 0 startup:6.647845||
-307.120 : 0 Board:"wm610"
-307.100 : 1 airport limit inited[1]
-307.100 : 1 compass calibration init!
-307.100 : 1 [LED] changed: test led when startup
-307.100 : 1 app connect changed:last(255) != current(0)
-307.100 : 1 assistant connect changed:last(255) != current(0)
-307.098 : 1 [FDI MAGN[1]] event:turn on
-307.098 : 1 [FDI GYRO[1]] event:turn on
-307.098 : 1 [FDI ACC[1]] event:turn on
-307.098 : 1 [FDI BARO[1]] event:turn on
-307.098 : 1 [FDI AHRS[1]]:turn on
-307.098 : 1 [FDI CTRL] event: turn on
-307.098 : 1 [Err] OFDM_TX State:0x0000000c
-307.098 : 1 Battery info:||
-307.098 : 1 Manufacturer name:NVT||
-307.098 : 1 Device name :bq76930||
-307.098 : 1 Device chemistry :LION||
-307.098 : 1 manufacture Date :2015/12/4||
-307.098 : 1 Serial number :3986||
-307.098 : 1 Barcode :0000000000||
-307.097 : 1 temp cali (-14.000000,55.000000) aa fw:4 4||
-307.097 : 1 temp cali aa bw:-0.000211 0.000197 -0.000170 ba:0.000379 0.001962 -0.002841||
-307.097 : 1 app temp cali (26.000000,55.000000) aa fw:6 6||
-307.097 : 1 app temp cali aa bw:-0.000076 0.000047 -0.000042 ba:0.002112 -0.001421 0.000746||
-307.097 : 1 read gps date:20241022
-307.073 : 2 ESC0 link up||
-307.050 : 3 ESC1 link up||
-307.040 : 4 [esc_is_stall] status changed: last(0xffffffff) != current(0x00000000)
-307.038 : 4 [esc_is_empty] status changed: last(0xffffffff) != current(0x00000000)
-307.027 : 4 ESC2 link up||
-307.003 : 5 ESC3 link up||
-307.003 : 5 esc alive info = 0xf||
-306.983 : 6 ESC0 version: Protocol = [V1.0] Hardware = "WM610_ESC_V3_3"
-306.983 : 6 Loader = [V01.00.02.02]
-306.983 : 6 Firmware = [V01.11.00.00] ||
-306.975 : 7 ESC1 version: Protocol = [V1.0] Hardware = "WM610_ESC_V3_3"
-306.975 : 7 Loader = [V01.00.02.02]
-306.975 : 7 Firmware = [V01.11.00.00] ||
-306.967 : 7 ESC2 version: Protocol = [V1.0] Hardware = "WM610_ESC_V3_3"
-306.967 : 7 Loader = [V01.00.02.02]
-306.967 : 7 Firmware = [V01.11.00.00] ||
-306.958 : 8 ESC3 version: Protocol = [V1.0] Hardware = "WM610_ESC_V3_3"
-306.958 : 8 Loader = [V01.00.02.02]
-306.958 : 8 Firmware = [V01.11.00.00] ||
-306.920 : 10 [FDI GPS[1]] event:turn on
-306.620 : 25 [Err] OFDM_TX State:0x00000008
-305.095 : 101 [FDI AHRS[1]]:ahrs_init begin
-305.080 : 102 [FDI AHRS[1]]:bias fdi turn on
-305.080 : 102 [FDI AHRS[1]]:init fdi turn on
-305.080 : 102 [FDI AHRS[1]]:wait for sensor check
-304.900 : 111 [LED] changed: packing mode
-304.020 : 155 old.IOC reset intelligence_orientation_enabled
-304.020 : 155 [BATTERY]:reset default smart cfg - L1:1 L2:2
-304.020 : 155 [smart_battery]this fireware calc gohme speed:8.500000 - land speed:3.000000||
-304.020 : 155 CTRL reset all by rc mode switch
-304.020 : 155 [Ctrl<1>] REQ_RC_NORMAL ATTI ctrl_atti
-303.887 : 161 Eeprom write offset:1d0||
-303.820 : 165 bat version:v03090000
-301.160 : 297 [FDI AHRS[1]]:ahrs_init pass
-301.158 : 298 [FDI AHRS[1]]:evaluation fdi turn on
-295.160 : 598 [FDI AHRS[1]]:(mxyz)compass noise large!!! <---------------------suspicious
-140.438 : 8334 sub_cmd:9,data_len:14
-140.438 : 8334 MONITOR_CHECK_UUID_SET status:0
-140.438 : 8334 sub_cmd:10,data_len:15
-140.438 : 8334 set app type:1
-140.438 : 8334 sub_cmd:9,data_len:14
-140.438 : 8334 MONITOR_CHECK_UUID_SET status:0
-140.418 : 8335 sub_cmd:10,data_len:15
-140.418 : 8335 set app type:1
-140.400 : 8336 sub_cmd:10,data_len:15
-140.400 : 8336 set app type:1
-140.258 : 8343 sub_cmd:12,data_len:14
-140.258 : 8343 get realname require flag:1
-140.220 : 8345 sub_cmd:7,data_len:42
-140.218 : 8345 [set uuid]:1818593391243624448
-140.218 : 8345 uid ex flash index:2
-140.218 : 8345 iwdg_set_max_timeout befor set swdg_timeout(0x00000120)!
-140.218 : 8345 iwdg_set_time_out time_out(0x00000ffa)!
-140.218 : 8345 iwdg_set_swdg_time_out time_out(4090) set g_swdg_timeout_max(0x000007ab) ||
-135.620 : 8374 [Err] OFDM_TX State:0x00000008
-135.260 : 8392 sub_cmd:12,data_len:14
-135.260 : 8392 get realname require flag:1
-135.180 : 8396 sub_cmd:10,data_len:15
-135.180 : 8396 set app type:1
-134.978 : 8406 set_get_real_name_info
-134.978 : 8406 get_real_name_info:ad
-134.918 : 8409 sub_cmd:9,data_len:14
-134.918 : 8409 MONITOR_CHECK_UUID_SET status:1
-134.840 : 8413 set_get_real_name_info
-134.840 : 8413 set_real_name_info,data: 1732127723, flag: ad, len:27 14
-123.040 : 9001 Gear [-60] Show, send by protection
-122.872 : 9009 Eeprom write offset:330||
-122.840 : 9011 [LED] changed: normal led
-104.620 : 9922 [Err] OFDM_TX State:0x00000808
-101.280 : 10089 [LED] changed: rc completely lost
-48.980 : 12704 app connect changed:last(1) != current(0)
-48.620 : 12722 [Err] OFDM_TX State:0x00000008
-47.880 : 12759 [LED] changed: normal led
-43.940 : 12956 sub_cmd:9,data_len:14
-43.940 : 12956 MONITOR_CHECK_UUID_SET status:1
-43.940 : 12956 sub_cmd:10,data_len:15
-43.938 : 12956 set app type:1
-43.660 : 12970 app connect changed:last(0) != current(1)
-43.618 : 12972 set_get_real_name_info
-43.618 : 12972 get_real_name_info:ad
-43.400 : 12983 set_get_real_name_info
-43.400 : 12983 set_real_name_info,data: 1732127815, flag: ad, len:27 14
-43.278 : 12987 sub_cmd:12,data_len:14
-43.278 : 12987 get realname require flag:1
-39.768 : 13162 Eeprom write offset:0||
.000 : 15151 [M.Start]REQ_RC_NORMAL
.000 : 15151 [Ctrl<2>] REQ_RC_COMMAND ENGINE_START ctrl_engine_start
.020 : 15152 [IOC.CL ] 132.8 Degree
.020 : 15152 [TO.ALT ] 60.150452
2.020 : 15252 [Ctrl<2>] REQ_RC_COMMAND ASST_TAKEOFF ctrl_asst_takeoff
199.720 : 25137 [M. Stop]landing.exit_takeoff
199.720 : 25137 Motor Start 1 Total 199.72
199.720 : 25137 CTRL reset all by motor stopped
199.720 : 25137 [Ctrl<2>] REQ_RC_COMMAND ENGINE_START ctrl_engine_start
199.740 : 25138 [Ctrl<1>] REQ_RC_NORMAL ATTI ctrl_atti
199.962 : 25149 set_get_real_name_info
199.962 : 25149 set_real_name_info,data: 1732128058, flag: ad, len:27 14
217.680 : 26033 Gear [ 60] Hide, send by packing
218.620 : 26080 [LED] changed: packing mode
218.620 : 26080 Gear [ 59] Hide, send by packing
218.700 : 26084 Gear [ 60] Hide, send by packing
218.740 : 26086 Gear [ 58] Hide, send by packing
218.820 : 26090 Gear [ 59] Hide, send by packing
218.860 : 26092 Gear [ 54] Hide, send by packing
218.900 : 26094 Gear [ 53] Hide, send by packing
218.940 : 26096 Gear [ 58] Hide, send by packing
218.980 : 26098 Gear [ 53] Hide, send by packing
219.020 : 26100 Gear [ 59] Hide, send by packing
219.060 : 26102 Gear [ 53] Hide, send by packing
219.100 : 26104 Gear [ 52] Hide, send by packing
219.140 : 26106 Gear [ 51] Hide, send by packing
219.180 : 26108 Gear [ 52] Hide, send by packing
219.220 : 26110 Gear [ 51] Hide, send by packing
219.260 : 26112 Gear [ 50] Hide, send by packing
219.300 : 26114 Gear [ 51] Hide, send by packing
219.340 : 26116 Gear [ 50] Hide, send by packing
219.380 : 26118 Gear [ 49] Hide, send by packing
219.500 : 26124 Gear [ 48] Hide, send by packing
219.580 : 26128 Gear [ 50] Hide, send by packing
219.620 : 26130 Gear [ 48] Hide, send by packing
219.660 : 26132 Gear [ 50] Hide, send by packing
219.700 : 26134 Gear [ 47] Hide, send by packing
219.780 : 26138 Gear [ 45] Hide, send by packing
219.820 : 26140 Gear [ 46] Hide, send by packing
219.940 : 26146 Gear [ 44] Hide, send by packing
219.980 : 26148 Gear [ 45] Hide, send by packing
220.020 : 26150 Gear [ 44] Hide, send by packing
220.060 : 26152 Gear [ 43] Hide, send by packing
220.140 : 26156 Gear [ 44] Hide, send by packing
220.220 : 26160 Gear [ 42] Hide, send by packing
220.260 : 26162 Gear [ 43] Hide, send by packing
220.380 : 26168 Gear [ 41] Hide, send by packing
220.460 : 26172 Gear [ 42] Hide, send by packing
220.500 : 26174 Gear [ 41] Hide, send by packing
220.540 : 26176 Gear [ 40] Hide, send by packing
220.580 : 26178 Gear [ 41] Hide, send by packing
220.660 : 26182 Gear [ 39] Hide, send by packing
220.740 : 26186 Gear [ 40] Hide, send by packing
220.820 : 26190 Gear [ 38] Hide, send by packing
220.900 : 26194 Gear [ 41] Hide, send by packing
220.940 : 26196 Gear [ 39] Hide, send by packing
220.980 : 26198 Gear [ 37] Hide, send by packing
221.140 : 26206 Gear [ 36] Hide, send by packing
221.260 : 26212 Gear [ 37] Hide, send by packing
221.300 : 26214 Gear [ 36] Hide, send by packing
221.340 : 26216 Gear [ 35] Hide, send by packing
221.420 : 26220 Gear [ 0] Hold, send by packing

By the way the app says imu is good, just say "strong wireless interference" (I remember getting 10 in one go)
Last edited:
Seems odd to me that you would put that Inspire in the air with no screen device attached to the controller. Am I missing something?

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