Apologies if such a thread exists, but I couldn't find such a dedicated discussion in my searches.
Does anyone have any 3D printer files or links to creations for the Inspire 1 to share?
I'm hoping that Bjorn can create one for my RF-V16 GPS tracker. Is the side of the landing gear the safest place to mount such a tracker (in terms of magnetic/compass interference)?
I purchased an Inspire 1 lens cap from: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221683341887?redirect=mobile
and an ND lens case from:
Does anyone have any 3D printer files or links to creations for the Inspire 1 to share?
I'm hoping that Bjorn can create one for my RF-V16 GPS tracker. Is the side of the landing gear the safest place to mount such a tracker (in terms of magnetic/compass interference)?
I purchased an Inspire 1 lens cap from: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221683341887?redirect=mobile
and an ND lens case from: