I didn't see many replies to your post so I thought I'd inject some of my thoughts. I started with an I1 Pro, X5, w/single RC. After using that for 4-6 months, I bought a second RC (Amazon, $435.00) and started using dual RC's utilizing my brothers talents who also has been a photographer (still) for 40+ years. My thoughts are these:, 1) It is both easier and more difficult., 2) It is more effective in terms of getting better results (and that is our common goal-right?)., 3) It is more of a hassle because you have to rely on another person., 4) "I love it", this is my bottom line.
To clear up these vague determinations.., you have to consider that it takes two people. Two people that must agree on a common result. Everybody has generally their own ideas on how to accomplish a task. It requires "together" building a common group of terms that express what you are looking for as the photographer or the camera operator. You better talk about what you want and find a quick way of expressing it clearly and concisely. This is what I mean about it being harder. What we ended up doing (and were still in the process) is taking an online course that will teach both of you what the instructor himself calls these camera moves and techniques and agree on using them. We both now know what a vertical reveal is! We knew it before, but we now call it the same thing. This includes a crawl, a line, etc., etc. Your results will improve and the quantity will increase in terms of useable footage. We have both been photographers for a lifetime. We have not been videographers for a lifetime. New set of terminology, new set of skills. We are learning as we go. When he can't make it to a session, I revert back to my solo-rig and resort to my old sets of tricks. This is fine with me, but comparatively more limiting. Sometimes you need four hands. Period! This can be a hassle. It seems as though it should be either your job, or you both should have the same degree of desire to get good at the task at hand and, be willing to put in the time. When it works, it's great. It's a lot easier than dragging your finger all over the screen trying to fly and align the camera direction at the same time - perfectly! It has improved our abilities to discuss options. It's fun to strive to complete a complex set of moves together to accomplish what amounts to a "great" shot. You wouldn't have a chance in hell of single-handedly pulling off half the stuff you can do with someone else. But there can be frustrations galore. Commitment, schedules, attitudes, etc., etc. I love my brother to death and we spend a great deal of time together, quality time, and always have. It's like a marriage, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Don't get frustrated too quickly, it gets better.
Maybe you should ask yourself a serious question before you invest in a second remote, "How effective of a communicator am I?, REALLY" This might save you a few bucks! This reply to your post is a bit "around-the-corner" but I trying perhaps to get people to think about some of the things (aspects) that we don't always consider. Hell, if it doesn't work out with my brother, I'll push him off the cliff and go hire someone! Just kiddin Bro!