Just upgraded to the Inspire 1 Pro. Put all firmware updates on the inspire, controller, app, and did IMU and compass calibrations.
First flight was at dusk/sunset 2 days ago. It went up no problem. But once about 60ft up, I tried to bring her down and about had a heart attack because it was moving at super slow snail pace and very difficult to descend. Finally got it down and realized the landing gear never raised. Did another IMU and tried it again. It seemed to fly normal, although I was too scared to really test the limits after the first flight.
Fast-forward to today, again at dusk. I put in a fresh TB48 battery and took off. It kept going past the 3-4 ft mark and didn't raise the landing gear. It continued to go up about 30ft very fast. I controlled it and started to descend. While descending, I tried to stop and let go of the stick, and it kept going down... I managed to control it again and landed it as quick as I could. After cleaning the mess in my pants, I did another IMU and compass calibration. Flew again and it worked flawlessly. Again, scared to really open it up and fly it like I did with my original inspire.
Has anyone else with a new Inspire 1 Pro experienced these type of issues. I don't mind doing IMU every time I fly, but that seems too weird for it to go such haywire and then work perfectly fine after IMU. Frustrating.
First flight was at dusk/sunset 2 days ago. It went up no problem. But once about 60ft up, I tried to bring her down and about had a heart attack because it was moving at super slow snail pace and very difficult to descend. Finally got it down and realized the landing gear never raised. Did another IMU and tried it again. It seemed to fly normal, although I was too scared to really test the limits after the first flight.
Fast-forward to today, again at dusk. I put in a fresh TB48 battery and took off. It kept going past the 3-4 ft mark and didn't raise the landing gear. It continued to go up about 30ft very fast. I controlled it and started to descend. While descending, I tried to stop and let go of the stick, and it kept going down... I managed to control it again and landed it as quick as I could. After cleaning the mess in my pants, I did another IMU and compass calibration. Flew again and it worked flawlessly. Again, scared to really open it up and fly it like I did with my original inspire.
Has anyone else with a new Inspire 1 Pro experienced these type of issues. I don't mind doing IMU every time I fly, but that seems too weird for it to go such haywire and then work perfectly fine after IMU. Frustrating.