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Can the Return to Home command be cancelled?

Feb 28, 2015
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almost had a mishap today... Took off from one location and walked behind the drone as the shot went through a set of gates and a curve. Well, after the shot was done i hit the button and the bird started to fly back through the gate but at too low an altitude and on a straight line rather than taking the curve. I fought it on the controls but it was determined to go back to where the home position was set. Is there a way to "undo" the return to home command once you've hit the button?
Flipping the mode seems like it would work. Gotta say though, it was darn near impossible to control in RTH mode. It fought my inputs. Been flying RC for a lot of years and have learned to never give up on a bird...thats the only reason shes still in one piece!
almost had a mishap today... Took off from one location and walked behind the drone as the shot went through a set of gates and a curve. Well, after the shot was done i hit the button and the bird started to fly back through the gate but at too low an altitude and on a straight line rather than taking the curve. I fought it on the controls but it was determined to go back to where the home position was set. Is there a way to "undo" the return to home command once you've hit the button?

Why would you think that the RTH function should follow a curved route?
Additionally, it is quite astounding what information you can find in these manual things should you care to open the polythene they come in....
Quick start guide - Page9 Section 10 (right hand side of page) ->http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_Quick_Start_Guide_en.pdf

User manual (That nuisance papery thing that came with your Inspire) - Pages 13 and 28 -> http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_User_Manual_v1.0_en.pdf
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Why would you think that the RTH function should follow a curved route?
Additionally, it is quite astounding what information you can fine in these manual things should you care to open the polythene they come in....
Quick start guide - Page9 Section 10 (right hand side of page) ->http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_Quick_Start_Guide_en.pdf

User manual (That nuisance papery thing that came with your Inspire) - Pages 13 and 28 -> http://download.dji-innovations.com/downloads/inspire_1/en/Inspire_1_User_Manual_v1.0_en.pdf
We're all here to help each other. I dissaprove that delivery.
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We're all here to help each other. I dissaprove that delivery.
I disapprove of people not getting off their arse and reading a manual that comes with a $4,000 3kg flying product that has the potential to injure someone!
People need to help themselves a little you know and reading the manual is as basic as it gets!!!
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You mean like the instructions that gave misinformation as to the most recent firmware that caused an army of people a huge headache and potentially bricked a few people's birds?

Another elitist response. Perfect.

Snarky rude responses when you could have simply posted your links and helped the guy out.

You're so cool. Are you wearing your MR club shirt while you belittle people for not doing it the way you would? Just curious.

I disapprove of people not getting off their arse and reading a manual that comes with a $4,000 3kg flying product that has the potential to injure someone!
People need to help themselves a little you know and reading the manual is as basic as it gets!!!
I admire YipDog's flying expertise and obvious experience. I would have crashed!

Enjoy life and be nice
I did not expect it to follow a curve. I simply forgot that the home point was at a different location and couldnt remember how to cancel RTH as it flew towards a brick wall. I have read the manual several times and with a machine this complex and me only having it a week...well...certain information has not sunk in. If a simple question like this cant be asked without ridicule this forum will be very short lived. Or at least my participation in it.
There are two things to remember here:

1) there is a "behavior" (serious bug in my opinion) where if the bird is within some distance of home point (20M?) it will NOT honor the setting to raise to 20M (default) first and instead heads like a crazed banshee in a straight line to home point, children, cars, trees be damned. Others have documented this and a few crashes have resulted, and

2) The home point button when pressed and held a second time OR flipping from GPS to ATTI to GPS again will cancel the kamikaze beeline run for home point, but you have to act FAST.

I really hope this behavior is corrected / changed in a future update before more kittens and cars take an Inspire face on.
Your point one is interesting. I was much further than 20 meters from the home point and it certainly did not raise to the preset altitude before beelining. Have to check that out. That would have helped with the fence/gate but would have put it into one of the large trees we were under. It was a pretty tight space. I think for the kind of shoot I was doing yesterday I'm going to have to not use any of the autonomous behaviors and just fly manually. Save those for when I'm out in the desert!
Being a long time flyer I never trust the GPS stuff that much. I like it to hold in place sometimes but other than that it is atti for me all the way. I have had my inspire since the first round and I have never even tried return to home. I have no need to. That is more of an emergency setting in my eyes and should not be leaned on. Too much can go wrong.
Just a point to the Editor.

My Inspire did not come a papery thing that you describe below!
User manual (That nuisance papery thing that came with your Inspire)

Accuracy next time please...

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