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Crystal Sky Ultra Bright 7.85 Firmware Update Issues

Oct 12, 2015
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO/KS
Updated the CS to the new firmware to try and eliminate the overheating issues. Now the nose POV camera screen on GO4 is a scrambled mess of colored lines when reduced in the corner...but somehow restores itself when I blow it up on my screen. Then I minimize and it goes back to being scrambled again...
It also returns when there is a menu (settings, etc) up on the screen...but then disappears when I exit the menu and am ready to fly. Bizarre.
Anyone else have this issue with their CS and i2?
Florida drone, have you found any new production models of CS that have the problems corrected?
Do you by chance have a list of serial numbers of the ones that were bad as opposed to the ones that are new production?
Florida drone, have you found any new production models of CS that have the problems corrected?
Do you by chance have a list of serial numbers of the ones that were bad as opposed to the ones that are new production?

We have not seen any issues with CS that have been delivered in the last 3 months or so. I am personally using an Ultra bright model that was delivered to us about a month ago with zero issues.

Sorry, but we do not have a list of serial numbers defining older or newer production displays.
Florida Drone Supply: I have a CS 7.85 Ultra that I received the first week of July and have several unresolved issues with it. Unless there is some way to identify build date I have no way of knowing how long it was in the DJI distribution system. I am at the 21 level of Go4 because the 24 level is not available yet like it is with with Apple/IOS. All my CS/Cendence issues go away when I use my iPad Pro 10.5 and standard DJI controller.
I believe the amount of issues is related to the number of different DJI models you use with CS/Cendence. I have seen the problems using a M200 and I2. Am awaiting an adapter to use the CS with my Mavics and am sure I will see issues possibly different using the Mavics.
I have seen frequent disconnects of the Go4 app but they have declined after 21 but did experience one just yesterday with the I2. The maps are unusable because they are at least five years old supplied by there new vendor. I have directly contacted the vendor with zero response and DJI has been notified several times. I live in a very remote area of Alaska and from what I can tell not all areas are effected. I am still seeing the false landing gear messages with the I2. Still seeing Gimbal yaw shift but not as much as previous releases. Also the custom button settings for the Cendence are not holding. It also seems like the I2 is far less stable immediately after take than previous releases. I have switched to the ipad 10.5 and will not use the CS until 24 level of GO 4 is available to test. Please take this in a constructive mode as my only dog in the fight is to see these products as bug free as possible. We both know that DJI has not thoroughly tested there products and why should they when they have an Army of dealers and end users to do it for them at no cost.
Thanks for your comments @UgashikBob, I understand there are other issues with the Cendence not holding settings, I2/M200 yaw drift as well as others. We all know that DJI has FW/SW issues. My comments were related to this thread regarding CS overheating and general operations.
I myself never had any issues that other pilots are keeping writing about. I purchased my first Ultrabright when it came out form DJI no problems. Purchased second one 4 months ago from Florida Drone Supply and no issues and I'm using it in temperatures well over 90∘.
Florida Drone Supply: Also the custom button settings for the Cendence are not holding.

Turn on your Inspire BEFORE you launch the Go4 application. Close the Go4 app BEFORE you shoutdown the Inspire. It solved this issue for me.
I guess I received the first batch of Crystal Sky 7.85 Ultra monitors and yes I had issues with overheating and the monitor shutting down, with less then 10 hours of actual use. I returned the monitor for DJI inspection and repair. Less then five day a new CS/Ultra was shipped to me and this so far not issues, but I guess time will tel. My Crystal sky is connected to the New Cendence controller and even with a monitor shut down I maintained stick control. My drone is the Inspire 2 with the Zenmuse X5S camera. I've got to much money in the sky for things to go crazy and out of control. I don't use "Any" third part programs and right now so far so good.
I guess I received the first batch of Crystal Sky 7.85 Ultra monitors and yes I had issues with overheating and the monitor shutting down, with less then 10 hours of actual use. I returned the monitor for DJI inspection and repair. Less then five day a new CS/Ultra was shipped to me and this so far not issues, but I guess time will tel. My Crystal sky is connected to the New Cendence controller and even with a monitor shut down I maintained stick control. My drone is the Inspire 2 with the Zenmuse X5S camera. I've got to much money in the sky for things to go crazy and out of control. I don't use "Any" third part programs and right now so far so good.

The monitor is not needed to control the aircraft and is designed that way. You can fly the aircraft by the Cendence controller alone, of course you will not have any telemetry.

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