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Current Firmware Known issues

Jan 14, 2015
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I thought I would start this thread to receive and display the current known issues of the corresponding firmware.

To start off, as of January 15, 2015 firmware release date, what issues are known with the firmware?
What issues and bugs are currently in the 1/15/15 firmware release?
Cannot set up the home point even though I set up my fail safe to 80 meters, it says the I1 will come back at a height of 0.0 ft and doesn't work. I called DJI and they don't know how to fix it.
There are a few including myself that have experienced "gps signal loss" and comes back after a few seconds. Dji will be updating this in the next firmware from what I was told
Cannot set up the home point even though I set up my fail safe to 80 meters, it says the I1 will come back at a height of 0.0 ft and doesn't work. I called DJI and they don't know how to fix it.

Were you connected to the Inspire and was it powered on at the time you tried to set RTH altitude? That's necessary to set the altitude in the app. Also, Home Point is automatically set whenever the motors are started. You'll hear an announcement when that happens. Please carefully re-read the manual. These points are in the documentation.
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