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Electronic Index (EI) mode is gone, and so is D-Log! How do I apply the D-log to footage?

Apr 25, 2018
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Hello, After I crashed my drone earlier this month and the replacement is, I went to check the new drone, and I found that there is no longer a choice for EI mode and D-log. Inspire 2 with X7 camera, and license for ProRes and CinemaDNG. Am I missing something? Or, has DJI dropped the EI mode and D-log?

I found D-log footage much easier to grade than cinelike footage, which is the only other choice aside from 'normal' for the SSD look. If they've dropped these features, does anyone know why and if it will be brought back????


Jack Morris
Hello, After I crashed my drone earlier this month and the replacement is, I went to check the new drone, and I found that there is no longer a choice for EI mode and D-log. Inspire 2 with X7 camera, and license for ProRes and CinemaDNG. Am I missing something? Or, has DJI dropped the EI mode and D-log?

I found D-log footage much easier to grade than cinelike footage, which is the only other choice aside from 'normal' for the SSD look. If they've dropped these features, does anyone know why and if it will be brought back????


Jack Morris
D-log and ei mode are still available. Make sure you have your licenses sorted out. They are paired to the drone not the camera so if you changed drones you’d need new licenses for the new drone if they didn’t come with it.

Send a screen shot of what you are seeing.
Just figured it out: you can't see the choice for EI it's black on black and to the right rather than a dropdown; I think I forgot about that. Also using an iPad rather than the Crystal sky which I have found is less stable than the iPad...IMG_0010.PNGIMG_0010.PNG

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