Was flying earlier this morning, practicing my figure 8s. The rising sun was behind me. As the 8s flew by, they were getting bigger and sloppier. The Inspire came out of one loop and heading back into the next figure 8. This time, the copter flew passed me. I turned my body to follow it and the bird flew right into the sun and vanished. I was instantly blinded!
My instinctual reaction was to snap my head around, away from the sun. I glanced down at the iPad's screen. It was filled with green leaves. I panicked. My heart was pounding so hard I thought the hat was going to bounce off my head. My thoughts became a blur of nonsense.
Honestly, I don't remember what I did, but I do remember thinking, “Hit reverse and climb!” I kept expecting to hear the crunch of leaves and branches and the crash of a shattered Inspire. Nothing! This all happened within the space of a second, maybe two at the most, but it seemed like an eternity as it was unfolding.
Surprised by the silence, I turned back toward the copter. I was stunned. It was hovering well above the tree. I was shaking like a leaf. My mouth was dry as cotton and my stomach had a knot in it the size of a basketball.
Once I regained my wits, I carefully backed her up. My thumbs were quivering on the sticks so uncontrollably I could barely manage. Finally, I was able to land her without any further mishap, but I was a mess! I stood there, with my heart still pounding, and stared at the unscratched Inspire 1 in total disbelief. How did she not fly into the tree?
If any of you are old enough to remember the book or movie, God Is My Co-Pilot, I truly believe that was the case this morning.
Flying the Inspire 1 is more fun than people should be allowed to have.
My instinctual reaction was to snap my head around, away from the sun. I glanced down at the iPad's screen. It was filled with green leaves. I panicked. My heart was pounding so hard I thought the hat was going to bounce off my head. My thoughts became a blur of nonsense.
Honestly, I don't remember what I did, but I do remember thinking, “Hit reverse and climb!” I kept expecting to hear the crunch of leaves and branches and the crash of a shattered Inspire. Nothing! This all happened within the space of a second, maybe two at the most, but it seemed like an eternity as it was unfolding.
Surprised by the silence, I turned back toward the copter. I was stunned. It was hovering well above the tree. I was shaking like a leaf. My mouth was dry as cotton and my stomach had a knot in it the size of a basketball.
Once I regained my wits, I carefully backed her up. My thumbs were quivering on the sticks so uncontrollably I could barely manage. Finally, I was able to land her without any further mishap, but I was a mess! I stood there, with my heart still pounding, and stared at the unscratched Inspire 1 in total disbelief. How did she not fly into the tree?
If any of you are old enough to remember the book or movie, God Is My Co-Pilot, I truly believe that was the case this morning.
Flying the Inspire 1 is more fun than people should be allowed to have.