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USA Flight Plan Apps Question

Jan 24, 2018
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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and new to UAV piloting in general. I just got my 107 Certificate a couple months ago in perpetration as my company is expanding into UAV services. We are land surveyors. We do work in a pretty large national foot print and the more I read about local restrictions the more uneasy I get. My question for the forum is:

Is there a website or app. where I can plan a flight that includes all federal, state, and local restrictions?

I'm having a hard time keeping up on my home state alone and find it impossible to keep track of regulations in every municipality we may do work in in other states. Failing that, what are the best apps to use for flight planning?

Ideally, I would like an app where I can just box out the area I want to survey, put in an above ground altitude, then the app tell me the restrictions in that area.
Airmap is pretty good for general area info. DJI's FlySafe has the areas where DJI may lock you out of flying and you'd need them to unlock the area. I just went into a police station today to inquire on an area as they are the ultimate ones who will stop you from flying locally with some gray rule or ordinance they'll pull out of their hat. Some local film commissioners seem to know about flying for commercial purposes too, and hand you a ton of permit, insurance paperwork too if you want to do it 100% legally (Like anyone does it 100% legally around here!).
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Airmap( use 107 rules) and Skyvector on pc will give you FAA ceiling and air space info, I wont worry to much about municipality rules ,as long as you are have permission and take off from a private land there is not much they can do( had an issue at a park that i fly rc with friend county pass a law no drone rc on park asked officer if i take off from a friend house across the street and fly over park, showed airmap and 107 card he did not had any problems with me doing so) just keep professional fallow all FAA rules, bet you should be fine, unless you are in a small nowhere town where the sheriff wife is the Mayor and Judge,
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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and new to UAV piloting in general. I just got my 107 Certificate a couple months ago in perpetration as my company is expanding into UAV services. We are land surveyors. We do work in a pretty large national foot print and the more I read about local restrictions the more uneasy I get. My question for the forum is:

Is there a website or app. where I can plan a flight that includes all federal, state, and local restrictions?

I'm having a hard time keeping up on my home state alone and find it impossible to keep track of regulations in every municipality we may do work in in other states. Failing that, what are the best apps to use for flight planning?

Ideally, I would like an app where I can just box out the area I want to survey, put in an above ground altitude, then the app tell me the restrictions in that area.

In answer to your original question, no. There is not an app or software that meets all your requirements of covering Federal, State, and local restrictions. You are going to have to go to the source for each bit of information which is a pain, but you are probably more inclined to follow the law than the fly-by-night operators.
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and new to UAV piloting in general. I just got my 107 Certificate a couple months ago in perpetration as my company is expanding into UAV services. We are land surveyors. We do work in a pretty large national foot print and the more I read about local restrictions the more uneasy I get. My question for the forum is:

Is there a website or app. where I can plan a flight that includes all federal, state, and local restrictions?

I'm having a hard time keeping up on my home state alone and find it impossible to keep track of regulations in every municipality we may do work in in other states. Failing that, what are the best apps to use for flight planning?

Ideally, I would like an app where I can just box out the area I want to survey, put in an above ground altitude, then the app tell me the restrictions in that area.

Nope. It requires a little homework and planning. I prefer it that way, it keeps amateurs away. Not referring to you obviously, you are 107 and making the effort....

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