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Fly-away - almost

Feb 2, 2015
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Hi - new to the forum, so please be gentle with the replies.

I received my Inspire 1 yesterday. Did the firmware upgrades to the controllers, but the Inspire 1 noted that the firmware on the device was newer or the same i was trying to install. So it aborted the upgrade.

I took it on a few "easy" flights this afternoon and all was well. Then this evening, the Inspire began flying on a 45 degree angle from straight (I had the right stick straight up, yet it flew about 45 degrees to the right). so i brought the throttles back to neutral and decided to fly it back to me without turning it (right throttle straight back). It flew straight back but when I released the throttle to slow/stop the backwards progress - it kept going! It was now coming straight at my house and luckily it responded to full left stick to go up (and over my house) but it was briefly out of sight. I had an "oh sh$t moment" for sure. I immediately pushed the "return home" button - and it stopped (anxiety lowered). It did not fly up higher like the Phantom does (to potentially avoid trees upon return). It just started flying back to the home position (which was on the other of my house). The issue was the fly-away happened over the 2-story part of the house. The home position (as a crow flies) is on the other side of the house but the 3-story section - my home was in the way. Again it obeyed the up-stick to get over the house (which it would have run into) and did a successful landing. Sorry for the long explanation...

A few questions:
- How do I verify the firmware version installed (the app just says "no update needed")?
- Has anyone had the 45 degree flight issue? Any thoughts on what would cause it?
- The non-stop retreat with both sticks at neutral scared me. Any ideas there?
- Is there a Mac or Window "Inspire Assistant" app like the Phantom (DJI Assistant) app we all know an love?

I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this far - and certainly any help/advise you could offer.
There are quite a few threads in this forum describing pretty much the same situation. I too have experienced and think there is a general consensus that there is definitely a problem with the firmware. Good luck. Be careful and do the compass dance every time.
There are quite a few threads in this forum describing pretty much the same situation. I too have experienced and think there is a general consensus that there is definitely a problem with the firmware. Good luck. Be careful and do the compass dance every time.
Newbie question--when I change a battery, should I do the compass dance every time?
And another question--sorry to hijack the thread--do the IMU settings stay programmed once they are input (or calibrated), or do you have to reset that as well with a power-down to change a battery?
Compass dance whenever you change location. IMU calibration is needed less frequently, and when the software prompts you to. The accelerometer MOD value should be between 0.99-1.01. Compass MOD should be between 1400-1600. I check mine manually before every flight.
Thank you, Joola
- Is there a Mac or Window "Inspire Assistant" app like the Phantom (DJI Assistant) app we all know an love?
No, everything is done through the mobile app. Much better, no need to lug a PC to the field and mess with it.
Hi - new to the forum, so please be gentle with the replies.

I received my Inspire 1 yesterday. Did the firmware upgrades to the controllers, but the Inspire 1 noted that the firmware on the device was newer or the same i was trying to install. So it aborted the upgrade.

I took it on a few "easy" flights this afternoon and all was well. Then this evening, the Inspire began flying on a 45 degree angle from straight (I had the right stick straight up, yet it flew about 45 degrees to the right). so i brought the throttles back to neutral and decided to fly it back to me without turning it (right throttle straight back). It flew straight back but when I released the throttle to slow/stop the backwards progress - it kept going! It was now coming straight at my house and luckily it responded to full left stick to go up (and over my house) but it was briefly out of sight. I had an "oh sh$t moment" for sure. I immediately pushed the "return home" button - and it stopped (anxiety lowered). It did not fly up higher like the Phantom does (to potentially avoid trees upon return). It just started flying back to the home position (which was on the other of my house). The issue was the fly-away happened over the 2-story part of the house. The home position (as a crow flies) is on the other side of the house but the 3-story section - my home was in the way. Again it obeyed the up-stick to get over the house (which it would have run into) and did a successful landing. Sorry for the long explanation...

A few questions:
- How do I verify the firmware version installed (the app just says "no update needed")?
- Has anyone had the 45 degree flight issue? Any thoughts on what would cause it?
- The non-stop retreat with both sticks at neutral scared me. Any ideas there?
- Is there a Mac or Window "Inspire Assistant" app like the Phantom (DJI Assistant) app we all know an love?

I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this far - and certainly any help/advise you could offer.

You did not mention doing the Calibration Dance, did you do this?
Thanks for the replies! Yes I did the dance - both times. I was taking off from the same location - so I originally thought the second time unnecessary...

When I did the IMU calibration, it seemed to have taken 2 attempts. The first said it finished the calibration, but the text in the mobile app stayed red. The second time it did the calibration, the "completed successfully" text went away...

The reason I asked for the Mac/Windows app is that it is so much easier to just plug it into the Mac at home to pull flight data, use Google Earth, log flight observations... I love the idea of the field-enabling mobile app!
Was it windy? Mine switches to atti mode over half the time and drifts with the wind. If not probably an IMU issue. If the firmware isn't the latest than the IMU can mess things up if you dont check.
Hi - new to the forum, so please be gentle with the replies.

I received my Inspire 1 yesterday. Did the firmware upgrades to the controllers, but the Inspire 1 noted that the firmware on the device was newer or the same i was trying to install. So it aborted the upgrade.

I took it on a few "easy" flights this afternoon and all was well. Then this evening, the Inspire began flying on a 45 degree angle from straight (I had the right stick straight up, yet it flew about 45 degrees to the right). so i brought the throttles back to neutral and decided to fly it back to me without turning it (right throttle straight back). It flew straight back but when I released the throttle to slow/stop the backwards progress - it kept going! It was now coming straight at my house and luckily it responded to full left stick to go up (and over my house) but it was briefly out of sight. I had an "oh sh$t moment" for sure. I immediately pushed the "return home" button - and it stopped (anxiety lowered). It did not fly up higher like the Phantom does (to potentially avoid trees upon return). It just started flying back to the home position (which was on the other of my house). The issue was the fly-away happened over the 2-story part of the house. The home position (as a crow flies) is on the other side of the house but the 3-story section - my home was in the way. Again it obeyed the up-stick to get over the house (which it would have run into) and did a successful landing. Sorry for the long explanation...

A few questions:
- How do I verify the firmware version installed (the app just says "no update needed")?
- Has anyone had the 45 degree flight issue? Any thoughts on what would cause it?
- The non-stop retreat with both sticks at neutral scared me. Any ideas there?
- Is there a Mac or Window "Inspire Assistant" app like the Phantom (DJI Assistant) app we all know an love?

I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this far - and certainly any help/advise you could offer.

WOW, nice save. That would freak me out..

The only thing that came to my mind while reading this was. Did you do the " compass dance" with maybe your cell phone in your pocket?
My iPad has a cellular connection... Could that make a difference?

It's recommended that you put the iPad in airplane mode, with WiFi off as well when flying. Best also to turn off all other apps (Home Button twice, then swipe up all nonessential apps). This is a pre-caution that may be superfluous, but it eliminates any possible source of radio interference with the 2.4 GHz Lightbridge that the Controller uses to communicate with the Inspire.
Got it! I will certainly do that. Wifi was certainly enabled during the pre-flight and flight. Cellular data was not on. I did a few auto takeoffs and auto landings this evening and they went well - except the Inspire did not hover as well as the Phanton2 does. I am not sure if it was the slight breeze or not.

I am really looking forward to a firmware update that could address some of these issues. Love this bird - just lacking confidence in it at the moment.

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