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Free Music / SFX Resource for Your Videos - Over 2000 Tracks

"DESOLATION IN THE OUTER RIM" is this week's new free music track.

I think this track does sound pretty darn desolate….maybe for some barren, windswept world. It could also be used to underscore a character’s inner-life at some point…maybe at a moment of contemplation or introspection…or maybe for something else entirely. Anyhow, the track fades up from silence and fades to silence at the end so it can easily be looped if need be.

As always, it's 100% free to download and use with attribution, like my thousands of other tracks. You'll find it here:

Sci-Fi 13 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy! :-)
Hi Everyone,

If you can, please consider making a small donation on my website to help support my efforts. My site has always been 100% ad-free (I pay for everything myself) and contributions from the community really help me a lot. Thanks in advance!

That said, this week's new free music track is:

Dark / Ominous 2 | Soundimage.org

It's 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other tracks.

Enjoy and keep being creative!
Greetings Creatives!

"MIDNIGHT STREETS" is this week's brand new music track. As always, it's 100% free to use with attribution, like my thousands of other music tracks. You can download it here:

Dark / Ominous 2 | Soundimage.org


Please don't forget about my Ogg music packs which enable you to download all of my tracks at once from various genres...a real time-saver.

Ogg Music Packs (best for looping) | Soundimage.org

Enjoy! :-)
Just finished a bunch of custom music for a cool point-and-click horror game that will be released in September. I think it came out really well. If anyone is interested in checking it out, let me know and I'll send you a link.

That said, this week's new free-to-use-with-attribution music track is on my Funny 8 page:

Funny 8 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative!
Greetings Fellow Content Creators!

"IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT" is this week's new music track. As always, it's 100% free to download and use in your projects with attribution, just like my thousands of other tracks.

You'll find it on my Dark/Ominous 2 page:
Dark / Ominous 2 | Soundimage.org

Does anyone need some custom music? I'd love to help out!

In the meantime, enjoy my free library! :-)
Hi Everyone,

This week's brand new free music track is on my Sci-Fi 13 page:

"CYBER NOIR" – (Looping and Non-Looping)
Sci-Fi 13 | Soundimage.org

If you can, please consider making a small donation on my website to help support my efforts. My site has always been 100% ad-free (I pay for everything myself) and contributions from the community really help me a lot.

To donate, you can:

*Purchase one of my Ogg music packs. These packs contain all of my tracks to date in various genres:
Ogg Music Packs (best for looping) | Soundimage.org

*Donate through PayPal (or a credit card) using the Donate button.
Donate to Support | Soundimage.org

Thanks in advance for your support and encouragement!
Hi Everyone,

Please don't forget about my Ogg Music Packs. Each pack enables you to download all of my music tracks from a particular genre... over 1000 tracks, both looping and non-looping. Here's a link:

Ogg Music Packs (best for looping) | Soundimage.org

That said, this week's brand new free MP3 track is one my Sci-Fi 13 page:

Sci-Fi 13 | Soundimage.org

I sincerely hope some of my creations are helpful in your projects! :-)
Happy October Everyone!

I've created a bunch of new free music tracks to share with you:

On my Chiptunes 5 page:

Chiptunes 5 | Soundimage.org

On my Puzzle Music 7 page:

Puzzle Music 7 | Soundimage.org

And on my Sci-Fi 13 page:

Sci-Fi 13 | Soundimage.org

My new GAME MUSIC MEGA PACK is here:
Ogg Game Music Mega Pack (Over 1100 Tracks) | Soundimage.org

Ogg Game Music Packs (by Genre) | Soundimage.org

And, as always, my other 2700+ tracks are 100% free to download individually in Mp3 format.

Enjoy and have a good week! :-)
Greetings Friends,

If you can, please consider making a small donation on my website to help support my efforts. I don't allow advertising on my site so I pay for everything myself (including my keyboard synthesizers which are very expensive) and donations from the community really help me a lot.

You can help out here:
Donate to Support | Soundimage.org

That said, this week's new free Mp3 music track is on my Sci-Fi 13 page:

Sci-Fi 13 | Soundimage.org

As always, it's 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other tracks.

Enjoy, stay safe and keep creating! :-)
Hey Everyone,

Please don't forget about my Ogg music packs. These packs enable you to bulk-download all of my music tracks at once.

You can download them by genre here:
Ogg Game Music Packs (by Genre) | Soundimage.org

...Or all of my game music (over 1100 tracks) here:
Ogg Game Music Mega Pack (Over 1100 Tracks) | Soundimage.org

Why Ogg tracks are better than Mp3:

-Ogg tracks loop better in game engines.

-Ogg tracks use better compression which makes them sound more rich and full than Mp3.

As always, these game tracks (and all of my other ones) can also be freely downloaded individually in Mp3 format. Links to those pages are on the right side of the screen on my website.

Speaking of which...

You'll find this week's brand new Mp3 track on my Puzzle Music 7 page:

Puzzle Music 7 | Soundimage.org

If you have any questions, need help finding anything, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out anytime.

Have a good week! :-)
Happy Almost Halloween!

Spooky new music tracks are ready on my Dark/Ominous 2 page:

Dark / Ominous 2 | Soundimage.org

As always, they're 100% free to use with attribution.

For even more creepy tracks, make sure to visit my Dark/Ominous pages as well.

And I just created a "Newest Music Tracks" page on my site that you can access from the top menu bar. Here's a link:

Newest Music Tracks | Soundimage.org

I'll be updating it weekly.

Hi Everyone,

To celebrate Halloween this week, I've released more creepy tracks on my Dark/Ominous 2 page:

"Night Things" - LoFi
"Haunted Dreams" - LoFi
"The Haunted Deep" - LoFi
"Creepy Hollow" - LoFi
"Midnight Mist" - LoFi
"More Sewer Creepers" - LoFi
"Ominous Underground Goings-On" - LoFi
Dark / Ominous 2 | Soundimage.org

I really like the LoFi (low-fidelity) sound...it's so atmospheric!

Be sure to also check out my Horror/Surreal pages for more scary tracks:
Horror Music | Soundimage.org
Horror Music 2 | Soundimage.org

Have a great Halloween! :-)
Happy November!

To kick off the new month, I've created some new music tracks on my Action 4 page. As always, they're 100% free to use in your projects with attribution, just like my thousands of other music tracks and sound effects. They are:

"SPIES" (LoFi)



Action Game and Film Music 4 | Soundimage.org

Have a good week! :-)

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