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IMU Issue

Mar 19, 2023
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Hi there!
I'm new here and also new to drone flying.
Got a Inspire 1 and unfortunately crashed it the first day.
I fixed and replaced the broken parts and it's alive again. How ever...

I keep getting this "IMU issue"
The app is asking for a "IMU Calibration"
At 2% it freezes and after a minute it says "System temperature too low"

Any advice?
In lieu of any useful information other than the error message, one can only assume you're calibrating the IMU in a cold environment. So my logical advice is to calibrate the IMU in a warmer environment.

And your pun "Freezes" wasn't lost on me. Good one!

Just reading the manual of an IMU sensor chip (LSM9DS1) not sure what the Inspire uses, but it is probably similar, it says "This device is sensitive to mechanical shock, improper handling can cause permanent damage to the part"
The crash may have damaged it. What is the 2%? Battery?
Not knowing any additional info, I was guessing the 2% was 2% complete during the IMU calibration when the calibration stalled. And its not that cold in the Netherlands at this time.
Last edited:
Hi there!
I'm new here and also new to drone flying.
Got a Inspire 1 and unfortunately crashed it the first day.
I fixed and replaced the broken parts and it's alive again. How ever...

I keep getting this "IMU issue"
The app is asking for a "IMU Calibration"
At 2% it freezes and after a minute it says "System temperature too low"

Any advice?
Go into your settings on your remote and there is a place in there you can do a IMU calibration.
Press the three lines in the top right hand corner to get in to your settings then I think you press the drone icon up top and I think it’s in there

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