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Incorrect compass location

Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Anyone ever seen the compass put your craft in the wrong location? My compass said I was in front of me to the left but was really to the right.

I calibrated the compass twice with no metal objects in close distance. I also checked mod settings and all were within range.
Anyone ever seen the compass put your craft in the wrong location? My compass said I was in front of me to the left but was really to the right.

I calibrated the compass twice with no metal objects in close distance. I also checked mod settings and all were within range.
Not sure this is compass related, more likely GPS positioning.
Try to put the Inspire in an open space with a clear view of the sky so as to get the best GPS satellite data and try again.
GPS positioning can vary by a few metres at times and this is why the Inspire can be out of position slightly when RTH is activated and the bird has landed.
Anyone ever seen the compass put your craft in the wrong location? My compass said I was in front of me to the left but was really to the right.

I calibrated the compass twice with no metal objects in close distance. I also checked mod settings and all were within range.
I am getting what is perhaps a similar situation. The aircraft seems to always show that it is 90 degrees different from reality on the telemetry graphic. The heading on the map is correct however, which I assume is coming from the GPS.

I have done successful calibrations on the compass and get good sensor readings. It used to be better before the updates ( either last one or the one prior to that).
Slightly move your location while powered down and restart the remote first and for up the app. Then fire up the AC! Make sure there is no obstruction in front of the remote and both antennas are straight! I normally stand behind the craft while doing a preflight checklist and this is exactly one of the checklists I do to confirm orientation.. So indeed I would check compass sensors and look for abnormal signals.. As mentioned the GOS gives location, but as far as pointing direction, that is something to look into deeper as something is interfering with orientation.. Just my experience as I always confirm before taking flight..

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