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Indoor Advice Needed

Jan 2, 2015
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I'm doing an indoor shoot in a warehouse on Tuesday. I've flown the Inspire quite a bit outdoors, and in slightly windy conditions, and have gotten some time in doing atti mode as well.

I haven't done anything indoors yet though (no place really big enough to do that), so I'm a little unsure how it handles. I know that the optical sensors have a pretty limited range. I'll probably be 15-20 feet off the floor, taking shots of machinery and such. I'm guessing it will be pure atti at that point, correct?

Does anyone have any tips for flying safely indoors?

I would consider purchasing prop guards. I've seen a few videos of Inspire 1s slowly drifting into a wall. The guards would help minimizing prop damange and the A/C falling from the skt I would imagine. Good Luck!
I would consider purchasing prop guards. I've seen a few videos of Inspire 1s slowly drifting into a wall. The guards would help minimizing prop damange and the A/C falling from the skt I would imagine. Good Luck!

I wasn't aware there were prop-guards available yet... Where do you get those?
Be very slow, the unit is more difficult to control but it is predictable. Always face the same direction as the Inspire is facing so that movements are intuitive. If you get a bit of drift and the inspire is at a 90 degree angle to you and you panic and hit the roll the wrong way, it will not end well.
Also have possible indoor shoot coming up...would you recommend dialling down sensitivity so that the slowness of movement is effectively enforced?

I'm doing an indoor shoot in a warehouse on Tuesday. I've flown the Inspire quite a bit outdoors, and in slightly windy conditions, and have gotten some time in doing atti mode as well.

I haven't done anything indoors yet though (no place really big enough to do that), so I'm a little unsure how it handles. I know that the optical sensors have a pretty limited range. I'll probably be 15-20 feet off the floor, taking shots of machinery and such. I'm guessing it will be pure atti at that point, correct?

Does anyone have any tips for flying safely indoors?

at a hight above 2.5meters (don't know what that is in feet) the VPS will not work. GPS won't do either. ATTI will kick in. make sure you switch to ATTI because when you are close to the roof or top the AC might get a GPS signal.
it WILL drift once above the VPS can't get a hold of position. make sure like also said already that the movements you make are analogue to yours (have the craft face forward so left roll will be left and right will be right etc. when i fly indoors i generally switch to atti and stay aligned with the craft and have my camera operator do the rest as it is 360 degrees. position yourself so you can see it with nothing between you and the AC and you are of course not in the frame.
move slowly and carful. - personally i do not thing changing gain is nesessary - as i did not touch it since i have it about a year now.
you have to practice outside or in a gym if you can to get a feeling how the craft makes its own turbulances and therefore drifts.
also make sure that you check the flightpath, near rooftop indoors and walls for cables or other things you might get hung up in not recognizing while flying.

good luck

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