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Inspire 1 accessories

May 27, 2015
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Hey guys

So I started making accessories for drones, go pros, and a bunch of other stuff with a 3d printer.
I made a bunch of them for friends and they all said "you should sell this stuff because it's awesome" so thats what I did. Thought I'd leave a link for my Etsy shop here.

If you see this post today, I only have 5 items there, tomorrow I will have double the amount, I literally opened up shop today to be able to sell internationally.

If there's something you guys think I should make and sell, or have any questions, feel free to ask :)


I personally think that your prices are too high for a 3d printed object.......... although they do look good :)
considering the raw material price and labor and the other things prive is not even so much... our printer raw material and support we use cost 260 euro 1kg for material and support is 160 euros... both times 2 and add it up... and that is only the material...
until one does not hit a critical amount it is expensive...
just trying to clarify price a bit.
keep it up.

edit: we print with 28micron layer thickness...
Thank you for your feedback

The prices aren't very high, they are actually really below average.
There is only a couple of sellers on ebay that do cheaper than me, but than they get you on shipping. The highest I charge for shipping is around 4.80€, on ebay they charge up to 25€ in shipping.

You have to take into consideration the printer's value, the raw material, the Etsy commission (7%), Paypal Tax, my bank's tax, the fact that some of the prints are bound to fail and you have to repeat them. Also, for example, the battery shaped case takes around 5 hours total to print, so also add to the equation the value of time and the electric bill.

I saw this seller on this forum advertising his sales , you can compare the pricings

This listing - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3D-Printe...938?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4ae5906afa - 8.90 pounds, I charge 5€ for mine (remember the pound is way more than euro)

Or this listing - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DJI-Inspi...718?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3aa87b208e

12.88 pounds = 18 euro, + 15 pounds for shipping which is a total of 39€ rounded down. You can buy the exact same model for 29€ from me if you are from the US.

At first I thought I could make my products crazy cheap, than I did the math and realized why people charge those numbers. Maybe one day I will realize I cant make this cheap and join the others :p


EDIT - Actually can't find sellers on ebay who do cheaper than me
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Maybe its just the impression that 3d printing gives, it makes you think you are making something for free.

Where are you based?
considering the raw material price and labor and the other things prive is not even so much... our printer raw material and support we use cost 260 euro 1kg for material and support is 160 euros... both times 2 and add it up... and that is only the material...
until one does not hit a critical amount it is expensive...
just trying to clarify price a bit.
keep it up.

edit: we print with 28micron layer thickness...

28 micron? i guess the photos in the store does not reflect final product them, because at 28 micron 0.028mm layer height you will have to look pretty close to see the layers and in the photos they are clearly seem (0.2 is my guess on those photos) also seeing those photos you seem to have layer adhesion problems in your prints and some issue with x/y axis (resonance, hight vibrations, belt tension)
Maybe its just the impression that 3d printing gives, it makes you think you are making something for free.

Where are you based?

I'm based in Portugal :)

28 micron? i guess the photos in the store does not reflect final product them, because at 28 micron 0.028mm layer height you will have to look pretty close to see the layers and in the photos they are clearly seem (0.2 is my guess on those photos) also seeing those photos you seem to have layer adhesion problems in your prints and some issue with x/y axis (resonance, hight vibrations, belt tension)

Whatever the other guy said doesn't apply to my products. I print at whatever quality feels fitting for my products. Some are 0.2, some are better, depends on the printing time that translates. The prop case takes 9 hours to print, if I did a layer height better than 0.2, it would be impossible for me to print, plus, you can rough up the end result of a 0.2 without it breaking at all.

I bought a "battery shaped" box from another seller and you could see light passing through the plastic because it was so thin. Mine are sturdy as hell!

I test all my products for imperfections, if any sold products breaks during use (they wont) I will replace it free of charge, then again, they wont break unless you are Hulk and can't control the strength of your hands :p

Regarding the issues you talk about, the only photo I know doesnt look great is the case inserts one, I actually made a new one just now and will replace the picture soon. That one didnt come out all that well, and the picture looks awful because the conditions I have to take photos aren't that great :p

EDIT - If I were to print the battery shaped boxes at 0.028 layer height, it would take me 28h 47 mins to print. Thats a crazy number, and don't really see the point. Would they look better? possibly. I like the look of them right now. I could sand them a bit to remove the small layers you can see, but choose not to. I have sanding power tools, that job would take me a couple of minutes. Don't really see the point to be honest with you. If anyone doubts the strength of those cases or any other, I'll post a video jumping on top of them or something :p
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i did not have the intention to be disrespectful or anyithing. i just wanted to point out that the prices are fairly resonable in my opinion.
our printer is a 40 000euro version and indeed printing time sometimes was over 13 hours... ours is using a photopolymere that hardens on UV light which is built into the printing head and glowing over the printed layer every pass it makes. ever 4th layer is completley hardned.

edit: solid, keep up the good work. i think your prints are good for the purpose. my raw material is only good up to 40°C... after that it starts to get mushy... there is another raw materal that is good to over 90+...
i did not have the intention to be disrespectful or anyithing. i just wanted to point out that the prices are fairly resonable in my opinion.
our printer is a 40 000euro version and indeed printing time sometimes was over 13 hours... ours is using a photopolymere that hardens on UV light which is built into the printing head and glowing over the printed layer every pass it makes. ever 4th layer is completley hardned.

No disrespect! :)
I just said "whatever the other guy said doesn't apply to my products." because the way you said things seemed like you were working with me on the store hehe!
Im glad you gave feedback!

My printer is a much cheaper consumer version, that is high grade stuff! :)
No disrespect! :)
I just said "whatever the other guy said doesn't apply to my products." because the way you said things seemed like you were working with me on the store hehe!
Im glad you gave feedback!

My printer is a much cheaper consumer version, that is high grade stuff! :)
we use ours for industrial things in our company (wireharness manufacturing for automotive industry) parts and bit are a side thing at the moment.
we use ours for industrial things in our company (wireharness manufacturing for automotive industry) parts and bit are a side thing at the moment.

Thats awesome!
And it is a expected use for such a printer, wouldn't make much sense buying such a big printer to sell items on Etsy! :p
I might be looking to get a prototype made at some point, I dont have a printer yet, would you be willing to print some parts as a custom job if I need to ?

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