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inspire 2 cendence problem

Feb 12, 2019
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Hi ,

if anybody can point me to a solution of this mistery I would be very thankful !


I used Inspire 2 with stock controller for the pilot and Cendence to controll the gimbal. I used Crystalsky on both controllers. I loved how I can adjust the gimbal pitch and yaw speedwith the two sliding switches on the bottom of the cendence.

Unluckily I hard landed my I2 and it had to go back to DJI for repair. Since then I was not able to use the sliding switches of the cendence to adjust the gimbal speed. Also the
the cendence is moving the gimbal and stating it is in Slave mode and I can´t map the gimbal speed to those sliding switched , I can choose flight controller from the menu and map pitch/roll Max speed what clearly is a setting for the Master controller. I think my cendence is mixed up between master and slave controller. I reinstalled the firmware of the i2 with no luck.

work around:

I hooked up an IOS device and to my surprise I was able to change (only) one of those sliding switches to controll gimbal speed. So clearly it has something to do with the crystalsky/ios device but it didn´t help to reinstall the go 4 app on crystalsky.

so what should I do ? everything worked before why shouldn´t it now ?

thanx for your help !
Sounds like a frustrating situation. Personally, I’m running two controllers both are Cendence units. I have much more trust in the system when I’m running both controllers with my iPad Pro’s. Love the brightness in certain situations of the Crystal Sky monitor but find it quirky, intermittent crashes during flight, and I find the screen resolution to be much better on the iPad Pro (I need to check my screen settings it could be my bad?). Currently I won’t use the Crystal Sky on jobs, only practice and testing days. I’ve reset the Crystal Sky to I think it’s called “factory reset” and I haven’t had an issue with crashing yet but only have about 5+ battery cycles of flights in with the reset. Bottom line, I’d get ahold of another iOS device with A10 or A12 processors and try your testing again. Perhaps things will play together and remove your issue, I agree the variable gimbal control on the camera Op side is fantastic. Good luck. Following for updates as you figure it out.
Sounds like a frustrating situation. Personally, I’m running two controllers both are Cendence units. I have much more trust in the system when I’m running both controllers with my iPad Pro’s. Love the brightness in certain situations of the Crystal Sky monitor but find it quirky, intermittent crashes during flight, and I find the screen resolution to be much better on the iPad Pro (I need to check my screen settings it could be my bad?). Currently I won’t use the Crystal Sky on jobs, only practice and testing days. I’ve reset the Crystal Sky to I think it’s called “factory reset” and I haven’t had an issue with crashing yet but only have about 5+ battery cycles of flights in with the reset. Bottom line, I’d get ahold of another iOS device with A10 or A12 processors and try your testing again. Perhaps things will play together and remove your issue, I agree the variable gimbal control on the camera Op side is fantastic. Good luck. Following for updates as you figure it out.

Thanx for your reply. I remember when I had the crystalsky freezing up one mid flight but since being on the latest firmwares i2 .300 it never happened to me again. Everything was working really till the inspire2 got swopped out .... having this confused cendence is a mystery ...

anybody know how to reset firmware on the cendence ? do you connect it to dji assistant ?
Thanx for your reply. I remember when I had the crystalsky freezing up one mid flight but since being on the latest firmwares i2 .300 it never happened to me again. Everything was working really till the inspire2 got swopped out .... having this confused cendence is a mystery ...

anybody know how to reset firmware on the cendence ? do you connect it to dji assistant ?
When you do the CS factory reset I am pretty sure it resets also the Cendence. Then via GO4 you update the GO4 to the latest version and it prompts you to also update the Cendence FW. This is how I remember it, not 100% sure thou..
When you do the CS factory reset I am pretty sure it resets also the Cendence. Then via GO4 you update the GO4 to the latest version and it prompts you to also update the Cendence FW. This is how I remember it, not 100% sure thou..

thanx for your reply! i did a factory reset on the crystalsky and i think it downloaded the latest go4 app but it wasn´t connected to the cendence when doing this. I think crystal wouldn´t do anything to the cendence , there must be another way to reset the cendence.

if anybody has more ideas what i could do please let me know!
PROBLEM SOLVED - all buttons can be programmed again - lesson learned : just reinstall everything ;)

what helped was to reset the firmware on cendence and reload the latest one again as well as reinstalling the latest Go4 app

how to reset firmware on the cendence : press and hold the three stripes for 5 seconds on the right upper corner on the screen showing a picture of the inspire 2 just before you press go fly !
PROBLEM SOLVED - all buttons can be programmed again - lesson learned : just reinstall everything ;)

what helped was to reset the firmware on cendence and reload the latest one again as well as reinstalling the latest Go4 app

how to reset firmware on the cendence : press and hold the three stripes for 5 seconds on the right upper corner on the screen showing a picture of the inspire 2 just before you press go fly !
Glad you sorted it out. I still think that had you done the CS factory reset with it attached to Cendence it would have reset the Cendence and load a "default" FW, as the reset does to the GO4.
One way or another, important is that all works as should now..
I actually did that but it didn´t reset the firmware of the cendence , only go4 got reset. I think the main problem solver was to downgrade the cendence firmware
I actually did that but it didn´t reset the firmware of the cendence , only go4 got reset. I think the main problem solver was to downgrade the cendence firmware
That is interesting. I would have sworn that the CS reset downgrades both GO4 as well as Cendence. Aah well we learn something every day...
You may know this and done it already but you have to also connect your crystal sky to your i2 and do the update for that also. I thought that I had all the updates and I found out that it wasn't done and wasn't notified. I didn't know that I had to do it this way. I'm just letting you know this in case you didn't know this. Just trying to help out. I didn't have any problems flying but like I said I didn't know about it. Good luck and I hope you don't have any more problems.
I actually did that but it didn´t reset the firmware of the cendence , only go4 got reset. I think the main problem solver was to downgrade the cendence firmware
I have just aquired a Matrice 210 V1 with two Cendence controllers with CS monitors. All working fine apart from the same problem, the controllers won't retain customised settings.
I have tried all the above wthout any success, tried an Android tablet, Android phobe and an Ipad all with no luck.
Also I can't get the gimbal pitch to recentre at all on any button. Recentreing gimbal yaw works ok.
This is driving me crazy, now spent over a day trying to get the settings to retain.
Any further ideas would be much appreciated.
I have just aquired a Matrice 210 V1 with two Cendence controllers with CS monitors. All working fine apart from the same problem, the controllers won't retain customised settings.
I have tried all the above wthout any success, tried an Android tablet, Android phobe and an Ipad all with no luck.
Also I can't get the gimbal pitch to recentre at all on any button. Recentreing gimbal yaw works ok.
This is driving me crazy, now spent over a day trying to get the settings to retain.
Any further ideas would be much appreciated.
If you fly as a single operator I have one more suggestion for you.
When you go into Menu right at the top select Single Mode and then program your buttons and see if their assigned functions stick.
After you have done the above you can try to change to Master Mode and Slave Mode on your two Cendences respectively and maybe that way the assigned functions will stick. I only fly single op, so I am not sure if this will work with two Cendences.
Thanks but didn't work I'm afraid.
However, finally figured it out. I deleted the the exisiting user which was User 1. I assumed this was the default setting so was customising the settings under this name. Tried entering a new user name and deleting the User 1 and it now works fine.
Thanks but didn't work I'm afraid.
However, finally figured it out. I deleted the the exisiting user which was User 1. I assumed this was the default setting so was customising the settings under this name. Tried entering a new user name and deleting the User 1 and it now works fine.
Glad you've worked it out. Cendence is a decent piece of hardware but like most DJI products seriously underutilised and let down by finicky and buggy software.

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