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Inspire One- can I slave my Phantom 4 controller to it?

Apr 18, 2015
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Editor if this has been asked already, I apologize. I looked and searched the forum and could not find it.

I have an Inspire One. It was painted black. It worked great. An Indiana tree jumped out of the ground and Caught my Inspire in mid air. Indiana trees can jump-who knew. Tree trimming company came out, put boom up from drive way and collected "drone." 5 mins of work= 150 cash.

A few months later a Branch from a tree got mad that I was flying near it. It swatted my Inspire to the ground like my wife smacks me when I walk into the kitchen while she's cooking.

Camera damage. Sent into dji. Replaced broken gimbal. Dji sent me back a refurbished white camera that wasn't what I sent them.

I had a talk with Indiana trees, they have decided to leave me alone. Started having issues with overheating camera. Ive noticed that the fan doesn't spin....unless you tap it gently. Worked on and off for a few weeks, now have gimbal motor failure displayed. Sent to Dji. They received it July 12th. They say they haven't lost it, but they are "looking to see what the issue is." Despite multiple phone calls and emails, I might as well be talking to my 13 year old.

I bought an Phantom 4 last week to keep some gigs already lined up...going. It has NOTHING to do with the avoidance sensors. Im a pro now. The trees no longer jump in front of me. I had a bon fire and showed them whats up. We have a mutual understanding. I haven't crashed in over two weeks now, so like I said, Im a pro. (at this point Im hoping some of you understand what sarcasm is)

Believe it or not, The 4 is pretty fun to fly. Very smooth. Id like to be able to use its controller to control the camera on the Inspire... Dji was in Indy a few months ago for FDIC (big firemen convention) I thought they mentioned a potential upcoming firmware that would allow this... I have searched this forum, the Youtubes and other Tubes, and to my dismay, I find nothing. When I call DJI, they of course say no, cannot.

Im assuming thats the case. However, If any of you know anything concerning this, please let me know. If its a hacker thing, Don't don't (thats two double negatives-) private message me about it, as I don't want the Editor to put me in jail..

thanks for your time.
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Reactions: Yiannis.B
Editor if this has been asked already, I apologize. I looked and searched the forum and could not find it.

I have an Inspire One. It was painted black. It worked great. An Indiana tree jumped out of the ground and Caught my Inspire in mid air. Indiana trees can jump-who knew. Tree trimming company came out, put boom up from drive way and collected "drone." 5 mins of work= 150 cash.

A few months later a Branch from a tree got mad that I was flying near it. It swatted my Inspire to the ground like my wife smacks me when I walk into the kitchen while she's cooking.

Camera damage. Sent into dji. Replaced broken gimbal. Dji sent me back a refurbished white camera that wasn't what I sent them.

I had a talk with Indiana trees, they have decided to leave me alone. Started having issues with overheating camera. Ive noticed that the fan doesn't spin....unless you tap it gently. Worked on and off for a few weeks, now have gimbal motor failure displayed. Sent to Dji. They received it July 12th. They say they haven't lost it, but they are "looking to see what the issue is." Despite multiple phone calls and emails, I might as well be talking to my 13 year old.

I bought an Phantom 4 last week to keep some gigs already lined up...going. It has NOTHING to do with the avoidance sensors. Im a pro now. The trees no longer jump in front of me. I had a bon fire and showed them whats up. We have a mutual understanding. I haven't crashed in over two weeks now, so like I said, Im a pro. (at this point Im hoping some of you understand what sarcasm is)

Believe it or not, The 4 is pretty fun to fly. Very smooth. Id like to be able to use its controller to control the camera on the Inspire... Dji was in Indy a few months ago for FDIC (big firemen convention) I thought they mentioned a potential upcoming firmware that would allow this... I have searched this forum, the Youtubes and other Tubes, and to my dismay, I find nothing. When I call DJI, they of course say no, cannot.

Im assuming thats the case. However, If any of you know anything concerning this, please let me know. If its a hacker thing, Don't don't (thats two double negatives-) private message me about it, as I don't want the Editor to put me in jail..

thanks for your time.
Dear Indy,
I am very sorry to hear about your misunderstanding and confrontation with Indiana trees.
Many species of trees can be argumentative and can be very protective of their young if saplings are nearby. They may have mistaken your Inspire for some kind of bladed garden cutter and felt compelled to lash out at your aircraft as a protective response to safeguard their family.
I am pleased to hear that you have found a way forward with the Indiana woodland inhabitants although I can't help but feel a bonfire could be construed as using scare tactics so I would advise caution when flying alone in heavily wooded areas!

To answer your question - the P4 remote cannot be used to control the camera on the Inspire as the P4 controllers do not process the 5.8ghz link which is used (when connected as a slave) to control the camera functions.

You are currently safe from incarceration.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards

The Editor
Dear Indy,
I am very sorry to hear about your misunderstanding and confrontation with Indiana trees.
Many species of trees can be argumentative and can be very protective of their young if saplings are nearby. They may have mistaken your Inspire for some kind of bladed garden cutter and felt compelled to lash out at your aircraft as a protective response to safeguard their family.
I am pleased to hear that you have found a way forward with the Indiana woodland inhabitants although I can't help but feel a bonfire could be construed as using scare tactics so I would advise caution when flying alone in heavily wooded areas!

To answer your question - the P4 remote cannot be used to control the camera on the Inspire as the P4 controllers do not process the 5.8ghz link which is used (when connected as a slave) to control the camera functions.

You are currently safe from incarceration.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards

The Editor
How about now? I understand the attitude amongst the trees has yet to change, however the DJI tech has continued to evolve.....

I am going to ask the question (or similar question) again because now I'm thinking the answer may be different. Will the P4P Phantom 4 "Pro" transmitter work as a slave for the INSPIRE 2?

I have been leaning toward purchasing the inspire2 x5s with dual control but ultimately would want a backup unit as well, probably a P4P. Now I'm thinking that the p4p may be a little more forgiving initially while honing my skills and then purchase the I2 as soon as I was feeling more polished. I would feel better about this route if I felt the transmitter could later be used as a slave to the I2.

Also, would it seem a waste to have a backup unit which differs so much from the main unit in function? I guess I would ask this question to those of you who fly both the P4 or P4P as well as fly the Inspire.

Thank you!

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