I'd be curious to know which vendors you're talking about??
Sorry, I should have been more factual with my post, here's my list:
****Multicopter warehouse received a large shipment single controllers
*****Gothelirc.com has a couple left over from preorders.
*****Allerc.com stated they had some, dunno current status.
*****Rangevideo has received a large shipment, however their website shows the 2 controller units, but I never got confimation whether or not they truly had those in stock as opposed to the single controller model that everyone else seems to have.
For what it's worth, I've purchased from Rangevideo & mulicopterwarehouse in the past & will continue to do so. I haven't had any issues with DOA, damaged freight, or returns with either business, the other two e-tailers, I haven't purchased from. All of them have been prompt in returning my emails & questions, so, there you go.
If I receive anymore responses retarding inventory, I'll post it immediately on this forum.