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Inspire's Have Arrived

I've gotten notice from 3 different vendors that they receive batches in today, this one being the 4th....


Yeah... I realize I've been trolling but not having an Inspire1 I havent really had much to contribute.....
the site is still showing out of stock. any word on the 199.00 batteries?

Not sure which item you are talking about as being out of stock. The Inspire 1 with single remote is showing in stock when I look. The dual remote version is not in stock but if you buy one we will send you the single remote version and send you the second remote when they arrive in a week or so (according to DJI).

DJI haven't told us when we will receive the larger batteries yet. We hope soon but I don't have any confirmation from DJI on that.
Not sure which item you are talking about as being out of stock. The Inspire 1 with single remote is showing in stock when I look. The dual remote version is not in stock but if you buy one we will send you the single remote version and send you the second remote when they arrive in a week or so (according to DJI).

DJI haven't told us when we will receive the larger batteries yet. We hope soon but I don't have any confirmation from DJI on that.
I think he means the small battery..
In case that you are planning to buy the batteries that are worth $199 take in note that you won't be able to carry them in a commercial plane, the limit is 4500 mhp

In the U.S. You can take two of the large ones into the cabin with you.
Well not all of us are pilots, but i would like to bring the 4 that I am planning to own with me a wonder if there is a limit of the TB47's (45000mhp) on an commercial airplane...
There is no limit on TB47s in your carry on. I suppose as many as you can fit. I have 5 tb47s and have two TB48s on backorder, its how i plan to travel.
I'd be curious to know which vendors you're talking about??

Sorry, I should have been more factual with my post, here's my list:

****Multicopter warehouse received a large shipment single controllers

*****Gothelirc.com has a couple left over from preorders.

*****Allerc.com stated they had some, dunno current status.

*****Rangevideo has received a large shipment, however their website shows the 2 controller units, but I never got confimation whether or not they truly had those in stock as opposed to the single controller model that everyone else seems to have.

For what it's worth, I've purchased from Rangevideo & mulicopterwarehouse in the past & will continue to do so. I haven't had any issues with DOA, damaged freight, or returns with either business, the other two e-tailers, I haven't purchased from. All of them have been prompt in returning my emails & questions, so, there you go.

If I receive anymore responses retarding inventory, I'll post it immediately on this forum.

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