This is for the videos that are recorded from the drone. Sorry for confusing you. Let me try to word it better for you: zoom in and pan the video while I am playing the video back, instead of needing to modify the video in Sony Vegas or whatever.
One, coherent, complete sentence would really just bring this home. I'll just take guesses at every possible scenario.
Assuming you're removing the MicroSD card, putting it in your Desktop computer and playing the video in that environment, K-Lite will do everything I said it would do, including zoom and pan.
Assuming you're NOT removing the MicroSD card, LEAVING it in the drone and playing the video on your tablet FROM the drone, that's just asinine. You can play back the video. You can't digitally manipulate it or, god forbid, edit it.
Assuming you're removing the MicroSD card, putting it in your Android device and playing the video in that environment, that's just asinine. Don't do that. But if you insist, here are the links to K-Lite for Android.
There is nothing for Android on the page you linked to.
See screenshot for search results.
Seriously, purchase a PC and view your videos there. I have an HP Laptop I utilized for the purpose of showing footage to DP's on set. I knew all the hotkeys, so requests like "Can you zoom this?" were accomplished quickly and easily in seconds. Tablets are great for watching your FPV video in real time. Use a PC to preview, digitally manipulate, and edit footage post flight.