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IPad Air or Air 2

Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
Milwaukee WI
I have ordered a dual setup which if any luck at all I will have in a week I own a iPad Air 2 and a iPad 2 I have learned the iPad 2 will not wrk so I have to buy either a air or air 2 do any of the upgrades on the new one help for this application and shld I buy a certain MB This will b dedicated equipment for this only cld someone plz weight in on this.
I have an iPad air 2 and the first iPad miniI but i still went and picked up a iPad mini 2 32 gigs Wi-Fi only At the Apple store for $349 since the original iPad mini will not work and For me personally I thought the size of the iPad air 2 was a bit overkill, Maybe okay for two controllers.....
As far as I've read the air 2 works but people are reporting app crashes and reboots. As far as I can tell right now, the air 1 has no reports of problems. That's the one I have noted to get right now.
Just got the air2 for faster processor. Also has 64GB. I'm going to test it's "feel" with the transmitter next week when the inspire arrives. If i dont like the weight, balance, etc., I'll switch it for a mini 2. I don't read all the forums, so this is the first I've heard of app problems with the Air 2. The Air will work, and so will the mini 2. Both have the A 7 processor, and you can get them with 32 GB. ( less $). You have to have at least the A7 processor. My plan was to use the air 2 for main, and mini 2 for the 2nd controller when I get it. I got the extra GB to be able to download a few videos from the Inspire. Also, my eyes like the larger screen.
As far as I've read the air 2 works but people are reporting app crashes and reboots. As far as I can tell right now, the air 1 has no reports of problems. That's the one I have noted to get right now.

My Air 2 has been perfect.
Best to go for the A8 processing power.

Alternative option is the iPhone 6 Plus if you want an ultra light setup.
I have the iPhone 6+.When I recieve the inspire if I find the screen too small I will then decide if I get the Air2 or the Mini2. Right now I'm leaning towards the Air2 because it has the A8 chip.
I have really learned a lot for everyone on here I jumped into this with very little knowledge and all I know is what you guys have taught me scary ehh lol
Thanks again
I'm getting my Inspire on Friday. I purchased an I Pad air as a monitor. Has anyone seen or heard of any sunshade kits for the I pad for this Inspire configuration?

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