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Lost signal... Yet I can still control the I1...?


Mar 21, 2015
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Hi all,
I've had my I1 for a few months now and up until now have been really happy with it. However, in the last couple of weeks it's been behaving a little strangely...

During flight, sometimes not more than a few metres off the ground, I suddenly lose the view on my ipad2 and it says "no signal" on the app. However, I still have full control of the I1 and can continue flying as usual. I only lose signal for maybe 5 seconds or so and I've noticed that this occurs only in GPS mode. When I'm in ATTI mode it seems to not occur. My big issue is that it's intermittent which is obviously the worst kind of problem as you never quite know when it's going to happen next. During a 15 minute flight this may happen perhaps twice or three times maximum but to my mind this is two or three times too many!

I just wondered if anyone had experienced similar and/ or had any ideas as to why this might be happening? I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to go next with it...

Hope someone can help,

Thanks in advance,
This should not happen (obviously). The inspire has two different signals going to the controller, one for video, one for piloting so it is not strange that only one goes at a time. Is the loss of signal a loss of video signal or all telemetry? A loss of video would mean a glitch in the your bird or controller. If you are seeing a loss of connection all together, then it may be a physical connection problem either with your USB port or your antenna.
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thanks for your reply Mazz,

It's only the video signal that goes, all the rest of the on-screen data is intact and functioning. What do you mean by a "glitch" in the bird or controller. I thought it may be a dodgy cable but surely if that were the case then I would lose everything, not just the video signal?
thanks again
yes, it's the sae SD card that came with the I1, I have no reason to believe this is defective? As I say, this has only started to be a problem in the last two weeks or so. I'm not sure what to try next!
I have this issue, in a flight yesterday, I calibrate hover 20 sec, during a 30 m D pattern to warm up I lose video but retain control. I land cycle the bird, controller and nexus 7, and repeat. 3 rd time lucky for a short flight.
Make me nervous

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Done the latest firmware updates? If you have then that's your answer. My video drops at about 300m then comes back, I have to fly via the map, so fpv is flying by the seat of your pants after 300m as the video can go at anytime! Cheers Dji. Keep them firmware updates coming might get it down to 100m by Xmas. Then you will have the inspire 2 out with an advertised range of 2km, then that will disappear after a few firmware updates.
Hi all,
I've had my I1 for a few months now and up until now have been really happy with it. However, in the last couple of weeks it's been behaving a little strangely...

During flight, sometimes not more than a few metres off the ground, I suddenly lose the view on my ipad2 and it says "no signal" on the app. However, I still have full control of the I1 and can continue flying as usual. I only lose signal for maybe 5 seconds or so and I've noticed that this occurs only in GPS mode. When I'm in ATTI mode it seems to not occur. My big issue is that it's intermittent which is obviously the worst kind of problem as you never quite know when it's going to happen next. During a 15 minute flight this may happen perhaps twice or three times maximum but to my mind this is two or three times too many!

I just wondered if anyone had experienced similar and/ or had any ideas as to why this might be happening? I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to go next with it...

Hope someone can help,

Thanks in advance,
While she's off, try disconnecting your cam then reconnect it. Also while the cam is off, check that the pins are all straight.
Let us know how you go.
I am on latest updates, I will include reconnect camera in my routine to fix this issue, good excuse to go back out :)

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I haven't updated to the latest firmware. When everything is working fine I see no reason to take a chance and change it!

I'll try the disconnection camera thing you suggest in the morning. Thanks for the suggestion...
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Try manually selecting the video transmission channel? I think from another thread somewhere the black out can be due to an auto channel switch. Since I've been manually setting it I've had less dropouts.
Thanks Simon, I'll give that a go. It does seem to make sense, nice one... :)
I have the same isue red bar NO SIGNAL no video but still can fly ok .the isue after load the latest firmware .swap camera with friend it ok so I belive the firmware for camera cause it.now I have to send the bird back to dji for fix it .take at least six weeks to fix it and a feew hour on phone waiting to get support.now mising video for this july 4....

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OK, I think I may well be getting somewhere. I went out this morning (finally, after the high winds of the last couple of days!) and noticed ( I admit I should have done before) that the Pilot app was at v1.12. I certainly did NOT update it so I guess my iPad auto updated (this has now been turned off). Grrrrr!!!!!!

Up until this point i.e. the app update I didn't have any of the camera drop out problems, so I'm thinking this may well be the case. I'm currently updating the FW as I write this, so will see if this update makes any difference. Seems like my I1 doesn't like the v1.12 app update, but as it did it automatically I felt I should do the FW update anyway.

So no concrete answers, but at least perhaps a reason why it's happened. I'll keep you informed...
Took the I1 out yesterday and also today and can now confirm that in 4 flights the initial problem that started this thread has seemingly disappeared...!
I can only imagine that it was something to do with the FW upgrade, as since I did both everything seems ok.

So the lesson I learned is make sure you turn OFF auto updates on your iPad mini!

Thanks for all your inputs, happy flying!
Well I had a similar scenario where I could not get a video feed to the RC.
After spending a lot of time checking the app, re-installing the app, swapping from my Ipad to my HTC, removing and refitting the camera multiple times, I finally found the problem was the Micro SD card was not fully seated home!
Just pop out the card and make sure you FULLY INSERT it...
This happened to me the other day then it was fine until today. Today I filmed a parade no problem then I went later in the evening to shoot a fireworks show and it was all messed up.
No camera input no battery information

Camera would go up down but toggle switch had to be hit several times for it to go left right or not at all.. It said no connection the entire time but I had full hd signal ... No satellites nothing... I went to status and it was telling me to drain battery's down to 5 percent and recharge then but I had just done that... Then it would flicker on and off a thing that said deserializer disconnected ...hardware malfunction Contact dji... image.jpg
I can't find anything else out about it... I don't know. Very frustrated.. Don't know if it's related to the loading signal or not... Don't have a second controller to find out
This happened to me the other day then it was fine until today. Today I filmed a parade no problem then I went later in the evening to shoot a fireworks show and it was all messed up.
No camera input no battery information

Camera would go up down but toggle switch had to be hit several times for it to go left right or not at all.. It said no connection the entire time but I had full hd signal ... No satellites nothing... I went to status and it was telling me to drain battery's down to 5 percent and recharge then but I had just done that... Then it would flicker on and off a thing that said deserializer disconnected ...hardware malfunction Contact dji... View attachment 2649
Power down the Inspire, disconnect the camera and carefully inspect the connection pins on the gimbal mounting plate (turn the Inspire upside down to see them). Make sure they are absolutely straight. If not VERY CAREFULLY bend them into alignment but only do this if they appear incorrectly aligned.
Refit the camera and try again.

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