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Matrice 600 Pro with Ronin MX for Nikon D850 or Fuji GFX 50S

Nov 30, 2018
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Hello All,

I'm a wildlife and nature photographer, but new to UAV. I have used a Mavic. I like the perspective from air and have been wondering about getting one myself.

I certainly would like a full-frame DSLR or mirrorless in the air, and have read quite a bit in the past few days about the UAV, gimbal and intelli-G but still very confused.

My understanding is that the best option would be a Matrice 600 Pro with Ronin MX or Gremsy T3 gimbal. If you think there a better drone to put a DSLR in air, please let me know.

I have a Nikon D850 and can use it with either 16-35 f/4 or 24-70 f/2.8 lens. I read somewhere that Nikon has issues with remote control of settings such as aperture, shutter speed and focus point, as HDMI cuts off once USB is activated/used. Is it still a problem? Total weight of camera + lens would be about 1.7 - 2 kg.

Another option (preferable) - Fuji GFX 50S mirrorless + 32-64mm f/4 lens. Can this be used with either of those gimbals? How would be control of the settings be? Total weight of camera + lens would be about 1.7 kg.

I'd be the only operator - of the craft and gimbal/camera. Can I achieve this with a single controller or would I need 2 separate controllers and have to go back and forth? For any meaningful photography I'd need live video feed.

In the mix, I have read about intelli-G and Seagull MAP2, but have no idea on how to make them work with either of those 2 cameras. I have also read that DJI channel expansion kit might be used. Overall, I'm very confused on how to achieve goal of using Nikon DSLR or Fuji mirrorless from air.

I'd really appeciate if someone can let me know the potential setup or point to where I can find more info.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hello All,

I'm a wildlife and nature photographer, but new to UAV. I have used a Mavic. I like the perspective from air and have been wondering about getting one myself.

I certainly would like a full-frame DSLR or mirrorless in the air, and have read quite a bit in the past few days about the UAV, gimbal and intelli-G but still very confused.

My understanding is that the best option would be a Matrice 600 Pro with Ronin MX or Gremsy T3 gimbal. If you think there a better drone to put a DSLR in air, please let me know.

I have a Nikon D850 and can use it with either 16-35 f/4 or 24-70 f/2.8 lens. I read somewhere that Nikon has issues with remote control of settings such as aperture, shutter speed and focus point, as HDMI cuts off once USB is activated/used. Is it still a problem? Total weight of camera + lens would be about 1.7 - 2 kg.

Another option (preferable) - Fuji GFX 50S mirrorless + 32-64mm f/4 lens. Can this be used with either of those gimbals? How would be control of the settings be? Total weight of camera + lens would be about 1.7 kg.

I'd be the only operator - of the craft and gimbal/camera. Can I achieve this with a single controller or would I need 2 separate controllers and have to go back and forth? For any meaningful photography I'd need live video feed.

In the mix, I have read about intelli-G and Seagull MAP2, but have no idea on how to make them work with either of those 2 cameras. I have also read that DJI channel expansion kit might be used. Overall, I'm very confused on how to achieve goal of using Nikon DSLR or Fuji mirrorless from air.

I'd really appeciate if someone can let me know the potential setup or point to where I can find more info.

Thanks a lot in advance,


Senthil, Welcome to the forum and you're on the same track that several of us have worked on. Several here may be able to provide good information... many more with much more experience than me. The Mavic, especially the new Mavic 2 Pro is a great platform for nature or wooded areas due to small size and all the sensors. The M600Pro is very large, requires a good landing zone, is a hefty package to hike into nature and is not protected with any any sensors. But as you've indicated, the primary option for Full Frame mount.

I can give a little input on the M600Pro, Expansion Module, RoninMX, Intelli-G. That combination provides all the control & camera adjustment through the DJI GoAPP and single operator compared to several other options require a 2nd Radio and or Screen to control the Camera & Gimbal. To avoid a 2nd operator, the expansion module is used with the intelli-G.

I'm still in process, I had some failure points with GH4 HDMI circuit and SRW-60G. I've used RoninMX without intelli-G and will be completing the intelli-G / Exp Module this Spring with the repairs completed on other components.

You've probably checked the intelli-g web site to see what camera controls are controllable with the intelli-g. The Camera movement is through the RoninMX and directly controllable without any customization thought the DJI GoApp. The Greasy gimbal to my last check, requires a 2nd radio to control the gimbal... normally you'd have this be the Photography Control & Video for a 2 man operation.

Features list | Intelli-G
I did look and I didn't see any listing for Nikon or Fuji bodies.
I have had several conversations with intelli-G Tech and it was basically designed for the GH4 (full support) and recently the A7Riii (full support). The other bodies have controls but not full control.

The addition of the wireless module SRW-60G to the RoninMX as a replacement to the HDMI cable direct connect, allows full RoninMX Gimbal rotation without cable wrap.

Regrettably, the Sony A7Riii is becoming the strongest supported FF body. It has full control via the intelli-G or the Air Commander V2 AIR Commander v2 | Full remote controller for SONY A7 cameras. Both great solutions but limited to the A7Riii, I'm considering getting the A7Riii but not ready flush the Canon gear & glass. Wanting to see the whole package work with my GH4 before investing in A7Riii.

From my research... the RoninMX, Intelli-G, SRW-60G or Air Commander V2 with the M600Pro is probably the best option for the price point. As an alternate, a older Spreading Wings 900 (hex) or 1000 (octal) outfitted with the A3 and LB2 electronics provides essentially the same configuration as the M600Pro but using standard LiPo batteries vs high cost M600Pro TB48S.
I'm in process of building a custom S1000 A3/LB2 with upgraded motors & props; basically for the purpose to add an alternate to my M600Pro using standard LiPo's. Other brand solutions for large platform options would exceed the cost of the DJI platforms and software is generally not as fluid to control.
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Hi Doug,

Thanks a lot for the detailed response. Sorry for the delay in replying.

I went down a custom drone route and burnt my fingers. I'm back on M600Pro track. Problem is I'm going on a major trip in a week where aerial photography would be very interesting, and I have to get the M600P and make it work with my camera, ideally Fuji GFX50S. Not sure whether it is realistic.

What do you think of the image quality from a Mavic 2 Pro with Hassy? Is it anywhere close to that of a D850?

Yeah, Intelli-G doesn't yet support D850. On Fuji GFX50S, I hear that it works randomly at times. So it is not reliable.

I can preset the mode, focus point, aperture, SS and ISO before take off. I'd be nice if we can change these while airborne but not critical. As long as I can release the shutter, I'm good. Have you used Seagull? I read on some forum about a user using RC to Nikon adaptor to release shutter.

Shutter via RSS for a NIKON D810

I'm confused on how to proceed as there is time crunch now if I wanna take a drone to the trip. Greatly appreciate any suggestion.

Hi Doug,

Thanks a lot for the detailed response. Sorry for the delay in replying.

I went down a custom drone route and burnt my fingers. I'm back on M600Pro track. Problem is I'm going on a major trip in a week where aerial photography would be very interesting, and I have to get the M600P and make it work with my camera, ideally Fuji GFX50S. Not sure whether it is realistic.

What do you think of the image quality from a Mavic 2 Pro with Hassy? Is it anywhere close to that of a D850?

Yeah, Intelli-G doesn't yet support D850. On Fuji GFX50S, I hear that it works randomly at times. So it is not reliable.

I can preset the mode, focus point, aperture, SS and ISO before take off. I'd be nice if we can change these while airborne but not critical. As long as I can release the shutter, I'm good. Have you used Seagull? I read on some forum about a user using RC to Nikon adaptor to release shutter.

Shutter via RSS for a NIKON D810

I'm confused on how to proceed as there is time crunch now if I wanna take a drone to the trip. Greatly appreciate any suggestion.


From everything I've read on the forums, YouTubes & reviews, the M2P is a great small platform and camera combo. I doubt it's even close to comparable to a FF & Glass, but that's a whole different category as you've experimented. The Seagull looks like a trigger cable... you may need that with the DJI Ronin MX shutter release for Nikon.

Others may want to chime in on the Mavic 2 Pro and photo quality.
Another compromise to consider: an Inspire 2 with X7 and the ProRes & Apple licenses. More close a FF & Glass. It's a pricey option but smaller package. I have a I2 with X5S, considering a X7 investment with the carbon lens pack... just not wanting to make the investment currently.

I'll eventually plan on a M2P, but no hurry... I'll wait til the new excitement wears off and obtainable under retail. I have enough drones to keep me busy while waiting.
But for your needs, it may be a good option to consider.
My personal viewpoint: 1) having a M2P in the kit would be a good idea so if it came before the M600Pro setup, it's not a wasted investment. 2) Transporting a M600Pro isn't a small task both in vehicle and trail walking; and it's aerial presence is significant, which in some areas may be a negative. A FF in a large gimbal on a large platform draws spectators if anywhere near population... again may be a negative depending on situation.

On the M600Pro and FF... the RoninMX Gimble is about the cost of a M2P. I'm not much help on the Nikon or Fuji integration with M600P, there are optional RoninMX components to trigger shutter and the HDMI hard cable or SRW-60G wireless HDMI provide the image onto Controller. That would provide a view & trigger as a minimum.

Google Express

DJISRW-60G for Short-Range Video Transmission

On the intell-G, I will be installing mine this Spring and exploring the capabilities with the M600P Expansion module... I've been focused on other work and haven't completed that project. If it works as expected with GH4, I'd explore a A7Riii... maybe. I personally wouldn't consider it for a Nikon body... lot of expense and setup for minimal gains.

Have a great trip and I'll be curious as to the direction you went on platform.

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