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Never used GL658A slave controller not conecting to usb-C phone

Apr 30, 2023
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So as the title says, this controller was never used.

I bought the inspire 1 a few weeks ago and actually was myself who pilled of the protective film of it.

The master controller works great and firmware updates correctly from DJI app.

This one does not detect my phone, but did charge it.

By connecting it to the DJI Flight Simulator on my pc it works perfectly.

I already tried different cables, and even to swap the hdmi and usb boards with the master. No success.

So i guest this is a problem of a new controller with the earliest firmware.

Anyone has a copy of what may be an old firmware to star updating (Y already tried firmware using a thumb drive but no success on that).
So as the title says, this controller was never used.

I bought the inspire 1 a few weeks ago and actually was myself who pilled of the protective film of it.

The master controller works great and firmware updates correctly from DJI app.

This one does not detect my phone, but did charge it.

By connecting it to the DJI Flight Simulator on my pc it works perfectly.

I already tried different cables, and even to swap the hdmi and usb boards with the master. No success.

So i guest this is a problem of a new controller with the earliest firmware.

Anyone has a copy of what may be an old firmware to star updating (Y already tried firmware using a thumb drive but no success on that).
You use the iPad to update or roll back the controller firmware. This is by design. So the fact that the phone isn't connecting is NOT a firmware issue. Your RC may have a bad USB controller. This is fairly common. Just because it charges does not mean it is not malfunctioning. I have heard of USB controllers going bad on RC's that sat unused for an extended period of time.

Since your phone and cable work with the other controller, we can rule out the phone and cable as a culprit.

I would try an older iPad with the Lightning interface. I would entertain the SLIGHT possibility that the older firmware may not be USB-C compatible. But that's reaching at straws. But can't hurt to try.

You use the iPad to update or roll back the controller firmware. This is by design. So the fact that the phone isn't connecting is NOT a firmware issue. Your RC may have a bad USB controller. This is fairly common. Just because it charges does not mean it is not malfunctioning. I have heard of USB controllers going bad on RC's that sat unused for an extended period of time.

Since your phone and cable work with the other controller, we can rule out the phone and cable as a culprit.

I would try an older iPad with the Lightning interface. I would entertain the SLIGHT possibility that the older firmware may not be USB-C compatible. But that's reaching at straws. But can't hurt to try.

Hello Donnie.
I never mentioned an iPad. Actually i don´t have one.
I have read about controllers of inspire 1 so outdated that needs a few firmware upgrades to be seing by the app on wethever decive you use.
As i describe, i already changed usb + hdmi with the controller that works with no succes.
Also, as i describe, this controller works perfectly on DJI flight Simulator...
So i´m certain it is an outdated firmware problem.
Hello Donnie.
I never mentioned an iPad.
I know you didn't. I just assume everybody has access to one these days, especially drone pilots. Even if you don't own one, you can borrow one.

I have read about controllers of inspire 1 so outdated that needs a few firmware upgrades to be seing by the app on wethever decive you use.
I would say no on that. Out of the box, the day the Inspire 1 was released, they required a tablet (iPad the preferred tablet). Otherwise, how would one see telemetry data? How would one view camera feed?

The best test you can do is to find a legacy iPad (with the Lightning interface), install the Go App and try that. If that fails, I would install a legacy version of the Go App. I prefer v3.1.1, which I use every week and have for years.

As i describe, i already changed usb + hdmi with the controller that works with no succes.
Well....your procedure here is vague. Did you *exchange* the HDMI/USB controllers? And you're saying the USB controller from the non-working RC DID work in the working RC? There are many permutations of "changed the controller." Were you able to eliminate the USB controller as the problem by making it work in the other RC?

Also, as i describe, this controller works perfectly on DJI flight Simulator...
I have never used the flight simulator. I assume it connects to your computer via the USB Type A port, yes?

So i´m certain it is an outdated firmware problem.
The problem with your theory is that the original Inspire 1, v1 worked with iPad right from the initial public offering. My educated guess is that it is the USB-C port on your phone that MAY require later firmware versions. SOMEBODY you know has an older iPad. They're everywhere. I'd borrow one and try that.

UPDATE: I decided to test my Inspire 1, v2, which is running legacy firmware in the drone (FW v1.08.xx) AND the controller (FW v1.6) by connecting it to one of my newer iPads with a USB-C port. It works perfectly.




I concede that FW v1.6.0 is not the OLDEST version, but it is a legacy version. If your FW version is older, my next test would be to borrow a legacy iPad and test that.

UPDATE 2: I have a GL658A controller that I can try to connect to my USB-C iPad. Unfortunately, that controller is not with me. So I will need a day or 2 to test.

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I was going to update one of my comments, but I thought it might be less confusing to just start a new one.

In a nutshell, I WAS able to connect my GL658A controller to my Gen3 12.9" iPad, which has a USB-C interface. Here's a screenshot. Notice the "A" on the piece of paper. My attempt at "slating" the video.


As you can see, I am running controller FW 1.6.0, which is NOT the latest firmware. I believe the latest is v1.7.0.

Here's some interesting data that came out of this little experiment...

It seems the GL658A is the more powerful of the 3 controllers (A, B and C). I had experimented with the 3 controllers about a year ago, but unfortunately, all three controllers appeared to work equally as well. My tests were as objective as I could make them, but there just wasn't enough "RF resistance" in my area to really flush out signal shortcomings. So I bound the C controller to my Inspire and have been using that.

Fast forward to yesterday...

So...for some weird reason, my girlfriend's house is like some kind of weird Faraday cage, in that I don't have WiFi interference inside her house. But when I step outside, the histogram shows all kinds of interference. Interesting.

So when I was doing these experiments I had the controller and 12.9" iPad in the house with the Inspire 1 on the porch. So it was about 30 feet away with 1 wall between the RC and the Inspire 1. With both the C and B controllers I experienced a huge amount of signal attenuation. (See screenshots).

Here's the GL568B. Note the black bar across the middle of the screen and the "Weak Image" error message up top.

So then I bound the C controller. Same result.

So then, for you, I connected the "A" controller. The "A" controller was the only controller that maintained a solid connection the entire time without a single glitch.

Later that day I flew a mission in a very WiFi saturated area. Usually, channel 12 is the only usable channel. It has the least interference. But I always check the WiFi situation every time I fly, as it changes from week to week. Some days channel 11 is the better of the 32 channels. However, on this day, for the first time ever, channel 2 was actually in the running. So I used that channel. I use a parabolic signal booster in these heavy WiFi areas. With the booster, I was able to maintain 97% - 100% signal strength throughout the entire mission. The Inspire is about 1500' out at its furthest point.

I have another jobsite that is also a WiFi nightmare. We'll see how she does there.

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Also worth noting, some controllers will mix-n-match as Slave/Master. But some won't. I can't remember exactly, but I BELIEVE the B and C controllers can mix-n-match as Slave/Master, but the A has to be used with another A. Don't quote me on that, but I am 100% certain that not all controller versions will slave with all controller versions. More experimentation will be necessary.


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