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New Pilot...need help

Jul 7, 2015
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Hello all,

I just received my inspire a few days ago and I took it out for my first flight today. Everything went great with the quad and I was surprised at how easy it was to fly. The problem I'm having is more with the video downloading aspect. So I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I'll do it anyway.

Here is what I'm doing:
1. pull micro sd and put it into my computer (Mac)
2. move the movie files from the micro sd to my desktop
3. click on video file to play it

The problem is that I can't play the videos taken in 4k but I have no problems with the ones shot in 1080. Please forgive me as I'm a photographer, not a video guy yet, but do I have to do something to the 4K video first before I try to play it? Or is my system just not capable of playing it? I'm running a mac mini with i5, 8gb ram.

I'm at a loss right now. I really don't need the 4K but I'd like the ability to run it for the extra editing power. If it's a computer issue I can deal with that by getting a new machine but I'm thinking I may need a codec that I'm somehow missing?

Help me please.

Hello all,

I just received my inspire a few days ago and I took it out for my first flight today. Everything went great with the quad and I was surprised at how easy it was to fly. The problem I'm having is more with the video downloading aspect. So I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I'll do it anyway.

Here is what I'm doing:
1. pull micro sd and put it into my computer (Mac)
2. move the movie files from the micro sd to my desktop
3. click on video file to play it

The problem is that I can't play the videos taken in 4k but I have no problems with the ones shot in 1080. Please forgive me as I'm a photographer, not a video guy yet, but do I have to do something to the 4K video first before I try to play it? Or is my system just not capable of playing it? I'm running a mac mini with i5, 8gb ram.

I'm at a loss right now. I really don't need the 4K but I'd like the ability to run it for the extra editing power. If it's a computer issue I can deal with that by getting a new machine but I'm thinking I may need a codec that I'm somehow missing?

Help me please.

Hi Shannon

Welcome to the Inspire 1 and the forum.

The process you describe to view your video is fine provided that you remembered to stop the recording before you powered down your I1.

Apple's Quicktime will happily play both 4K and 1080p .mov files but only as big as your screen will allow. So unless you have a monster screen (and tonnes of storage) you will not get any benefit from recording at 4K. The problem you are experiencing is likely due to the processing power of your Mac. I have a Mac Pro 2013 with 32GB and have seen any playback issues but I have used 4K very little.
Hello all,

I just received my inspire a few days ago and I took it out for my first flight today. Everything went great with the quad and I was surprised at how easy it was to fly. The problem I'm having is more with the video downloading aspect. So I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I'll do it anyway.

Here is what I'm doing:
1. pull micro sd and put it into my computer (Mac)
2. move the movie files from the micro sd to my desktop
3. click on video file to play it

The problem is that I can't play the videos taken in 4k but I have no problems with the ones shot in 1080. Please forgive me as I'm a photographer, not a video guy yet, but do I have to do something to the 4K video first before I try to play it? Or is my system just not capable of playing it? I'm running a mac mini with i5, 8gb ram.

I'm at a loss right now. I really don't need the 4K but I'd like the ability to run it for the extra editing power. If it's a computer issue I can deal with that by getting a new machine but I'm thinking I may need a codec that I'm somehow missing?

Help me please.

Hi Shannon..I have had my i1 for a couple of months now and have experienced similar.I was advised by an I.T tech that the pc I was using may not be capable of handling 4k.I purchased newer pc/laptop and problem seems to be sorted.before more cash outlay why don't you try using a friends pc/laptop you know is capable of handling 4k.or try and upgrade yes.hope this helps.mark G uk
Hello all,

I just received my inspire a few days ago and I took it out for my first flight today. Everything went great with the quad and I was surprised at how easy it was to fly. The problem I'm having is more with the video downloading aspect. So I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I'll do it anyway.

Here is what I'm doing:
1. pull micro sd and put it into my computer (Mac)
2. move the movie files from the micro sd to my desktop
3. click on video file to play it

The problem is that I can't play the videos taken in 4k but I have no problems with the ones shot in 1080. Please forgive me as I'm a photographer, not a video guy yet, but do I have to do something to the 4K video first before I try to play it? Or is my system just not capable of playing it? I'm running a mac mini with i5, 8gb ram.

I'm at a loss right now. I really don't need the 4K but I'd like the ability to run it for the extra editing power. If it's a computer issue I can deal with that by getting a new machine but I'm thinking I may need a codec that I'm somehow missing?

Help me please.

Hello, and welcome to the forum.

Your machines specs are probably not really up to playing 4k (although the Inspires offerings cannot really be called 4k at a dire bitrate of 60mbps)

However, give VLC a try and you will probably be pleasantly surprised. Runs on all platforms....

VLC Player - http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
Thanks so much. I recorded another video in 4k and once again I wasn't able to play it or even load it into premiere pro or gopros' studio software.

Looks like I may have to get a new computer. I'll try VLC tonight and see what happens.

Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.
As a side note, would it be advantageous to record in 4k, convert it to 1080, then edit? Or is that not worth the time and effort?
For now I would change the DJI Pilot App setting to record in one of 1080P settings.
I have read other professionals who fly the Inspire saying they use 1080P for their work.

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