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Poor Video with ios Version 1.0.1 to Ipad mini 3

Jan 27, 2015
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I flew the Inspire 1 approximately 50 flights with the initial dji pilot app with no issues.

I updated to 1.0.1 and the camera video to the ipad mini is choppy, pixelated and delayed. I have not crashed or even had a hard landing. Any tips would be appreciated.

Love my Inspire 1!

Also own a phantom 2 vision+
For those with the ipad Mini 2 (first mini w/Retina):

I saw the same issue - delayed/choppy video. enabled hardware decoding, and all was resolved. v1.0.0 of DJIPilot app from app store.
"Enable hardware decoding" also improved the touch screen camera control. It's much smoother now. Is there a manual or video that explains all the app settings in detail. The current dji pilot app video does not cover all of the settings.
hello, guys. i can`t find the Enable hardware decoding settings on my ipad mini 2. can you please help me with that?
hello, guys. i can`t find the Enable hardware decoding settings on my ipad mini 2. can you please help me with that?


See above - this is for the current version of the DJIPilot application on iOS.
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Reactions: Florian
oh, thank you very much! i just thought that is in ipads settings and i couldn`t find it. :p
I heard "Enable hardware decoding" is only for iOS device.
Is there any solution for Android device? Nexus7(2013)?
Will it get hot ? If i enble this options ? My ipad air will keep connect n disconnect when around 15min fly...

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