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Public Ignorance Really Pisses Me Off!!!!!!

May 16, 2015
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So, I was just up at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George, NY for my friend's wedding. I was going to make a short video for him for a wedding present. Being a good samaritan, I announced my intentions to fly the I1 to the management so they knew what I was going to do. Unfortunately I was denied approval to fly.

After 15 minutes of trying to explain that the footage was for a wedding, and that there was no way that I was going to fly anywhere near any persons and that anyone who might be filmed wouldn't even be able to be identified because of the distance I would be, he still gave me the no go. His excuse was that it would be an invasion of privacy. I asked him what the difference was if I was taking pictures or video on my DSLR or phone and people happen to be in the background, or I happen to be on a boat in the water and filming...and his only answer was that it was policy.

I am so sick of people getting all bent out of shape by possibly being filmed by a drone as appose to any other form of media capture. I feel like attaching my phone to a ballon and walking around to see if anyone would flip out.


End of rant
I have run into this "its our policy" thing in the industry I'm in. I then ask for them to show me the written policy so I can be assured to abide by it.

99% of the time there is no such "policy" but someone trying to hide behind the policy word. It is amazing how their attitude changes when they are caught in their mistruth (lie). Sometimes they even go with well it's not written down. I then counter with xyz company has a policy but don't have it written down, that seems awful strange, doesn't it.

All of this I do I a respectful manner so as not to give them an excuse to change their minds.
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So, I was just up at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George, NY for my friend's wedding. I was going to make a short video for him for a wedding present. Being a good samaritan, I announced my intentions to fly the I1 to the management so they knew what I was going to do. Unfortunately I was denied approval to fly.

After 15 minutes of trying to explain that the footage was for a wedding, and that there was no way that I was going to fly anywhere near any persons and that anyone who might be filmed wouldn't even be able to be identified because of the distance I would be, he still gave me the no go. His excuse was that it would be an invasion of privacy. I asked him what the difference was if I was taking pictures or video on my DSLR or phone and people happen to be in the background, or I happen to be on a boat in the water and filming...and his only answer was that it was policy.

I am so sick of people getting all bent out of shape by possibly being filmed by a drone as appose to any other form of media capture. I feel like attaching my phone to a ballon and walking around to see if anyone would flip out.


End of rant
Hey Tapcon, where you from in NY? I am 20 minutes from Lake George and I fly there all of the time. Was there a week ago for Americade. I know it is not the best way to do things but sometimes asking makes things worse. If you were planning on being low and close it was probably a bad idea anyway. If you were to, say, take-off off of the property and film the wedding there could be no issues. I am just surprised because of the number of times I have flown around there without issue. Asking permission just means you gave them authority to say no when they didn't really have it in the first place.
Hey Tapcon, where you from in NY? I am 20 minutes from Lake George and I fly there all of the time. Was there a week ago for Americade. I know it is not the best way to do things but sometimes asking makes things worse. If you were planning on being low and close it was probably a bad idea anyway. If you were to, say, take-off off of the property and film the wedding there could be no issues. I am just surprised because of the number of times I have flown around there without issue. Asking permission just means you gave them authority to say no when they didn't really have it in the first place.

I'm not from that area. Was just up there for the wedding. I wasn't going to fly low or close. Just wanted some nice panoramic shots of the hotel and the wedding area.

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