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Apr 3, 2019
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I just received an Inspire 1 pro V2 and took it out for the first time to fly this morning.
Nice clear day but winds were SW at 16mph to 18mph with gusts to 25mph. I only took it up to a height of 10' and flew it back and forth. I was reading these are supposed to be really good in wind, but this drifted all over and was kind of on the verge of being out of control. My question, and granted maybe pretty evident, was that to windy for an Inspire? Looking for an experienced operators thoughts. I did say the compass needed calibration when I landed it. And would not take off again.
Again sorry for the probable self evident answer, just looking for an experienced pilots thoughts.
I'm not overly experienced but my initial comments are:

Wind speeds are different and change as the altitude of your craft changes. On my I2, I get high wind advisories on my RC.
So did you or did you not calibrate the compass and IMU?
We're you close to any metal / magnetic interference?
Is your RC and craft updated with the latest firmware?
20 mph winds is nothing for the inspire. Do a compass calibration and IMU calibration.
I only went up about 10', was trying to get a feel for it. I did not calibrate the compass, as the warning came on after the first flight. The closest metal object would have been 8'-10' away, or the rerod buried 4" in the concrete of my driveway. No electric lines around.
Everything is up to date.
Thanks for the suggestions and questions.
20 mph winds is nothing for the inspire. Do a compass calibration and IMU calibration.
Ok, that's what I was looking for. I know how to do a compass calibration, never done a IMU calibration. I'll have to YouTube that one. LOL
Do it indoors on a flat level table. Do not touch it or move it let it do it’s thing.
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I've flown at those wind speeds and at 10 feet, especially among any structure there are more updrafts and downdrafts . . . get higher and see what you think.
I just received an Inspire 1 pro V2 and took it out for the first time to fly this morning.
Nice clear day but winds were SW at 16mph to 18mph with gusts to 25mph. I only took it up to a height of 10' and flew it back and forth. I was reading these are supposed to be really good in wind, but this drifted all over and was kind of on the verge of being out of control. My question, and granted maybe pretty evident, was that to windy for an Inspire? Looking for an experienced operators thoughts. I did say the compass needed calibration when I landed it. And would not take off again.
Again sorry for the probable self evident answer, just looking for an experienced pilots thoughts.

Your flight experience is typical. I own and regularly fly an Inspire 1, v2. I also own a P4P and Mavic Pro. The stability of the latter 2 vehicles doesn't compare to the Inspire 1. The Inspire 1 is not nearly as stable as the P4P and MP. The thing drifts all over the place...even when there isn't much wind. That said, 16 mph with 25 mph gusts would be a deal-breaker for me for any jobs I use the Inspire. Honestly, anything more than 10 mph nominal wind and I either call it or move on to the P4P. The P4P is extremely stable and robust in the wind. The P4P will comfortably fly in 20+ mph winds with gusts in the 30 mph range. Flying the Inspire after the P4P feels like a sky barge. It's slow to respond, sluggish and "feels" heavy.

Bottom line: 18/25 is too much wind for the Inspire to shoot video comfortably. Yes, it will FLY in high wind, but it won't be stable. More comfortable is 10/20. Even then, it WILL drift all over the place vertically AND horizontally by roughly 6'.

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As a hobbyist and not a commercial pilot I can’t disagree but somewhat; I just flew in 12/26 with the Z3 and of course depending upon proximity of shoot, I did some test video and at wide-angle to telephoto stability and videography was decent enough for some work. But pinpoint landing was a mite dicey lol
As a hobbyist and not a commercial pilot I can’t disagree but somewhat; I just flew in 12/26 with the Z3 and of course depending upon proximity of shoot, I did some test video and at wide-angle to telephoto stability and videography was decent enough for some work. But pinpoint landing was a mite dicey lol

You won't necessarily see drift in the video...especially wide-angle video. But your landing experience is spot on - which also translates to failed attempts at precision filming in tight areas.

When I bring any of my birds in for a landing, I always face the camera towards me. So all the joystick controls are backwards. I find the slow, sluggish response and "floaty" nature of the Inspire 1 often times causes me to second guess my stick movements. The result are some scary moments when have come close to "hard landings." Fortunately, I have avoided this scenario, but I have to completely change my mind set to take into account that stick movements have latency and often times do nothing if I'm not aggressive enough. My mind thinks, "Oh...you must be pushing the stick the wrong way!!" which cause incorrect correction.

One of the top 5 reasons for continued use of the Inspire is to keep my flying skills up...<;^)

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I purchased an I2, it was faulty returned to vendor so never flew it. Have new X5s and new one here next week. Hoping it’s as stable as Phantom 4 v2 but somehow think I’m going to be disappointed. But, wanted interchangeable lenses so...
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I purchased an I2, it was faulty returned to vendor so never flew it. Have new X5s and new one here next week. Hoping it’s as stable as Phantom 4 v2 but somehow think I’m going to be disappointed. But, wanted interchangeable lenses so...
Let me know if it is more stable then the I1. I may have a I1 standard? And a I1 pro I may try to trade for a I2.
Your flight experience is typical. I own and regularly fly an Inspire 1, v2. I also own a P4P and Mavic Pro. The stability of the latter 2 vehicles doesn't compare to the Inspire 1. The Inspire 1 is not nearly as stable as the P4P and MP. The thing drifts all over the place...even when there isn't much wind. That said, 16 mph with 25 mph gusts would be a deal-breaker for me for any jobs I use the Inspire. Honestly, anything more than 10 mph nominal wind and I either call it or move on to the P4P. The P4P is extremely stable and robust in the wind. The P4P will comfortably fly in 20+ mph winds with gusts in the 30 mph range. Flying the Inspire after the P4P feels like a sky barge. It's slow to respond, sluggish and "feels" heavy.

Bottom line: 18/25 is too much wind for the Inspire to shoot video comfortably. Yes, it will FLY in high wind, but it won't be stable. More comfortable is 10/20. Even then, it WILL drift all over the place vertically AND horizontally by roughly 6'.

Ok, thank you. You are spot on with the drifting. Scary as all heck. Absolutely love my P4P+, very responsive and stable. Thanks for the conversation.
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Did the calibrations have any effect on your flight characteristics?
It flew a little bit better, but not as well as I was expecting. Was hoping to supplement the P4P+ with the I1pro. I’m curious about the I2 to see if that stays more “true” to position then the I1 pro.

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