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USA Section 333 Exemption Progress Question

Jul 16, 2013
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Chaska, MN
First of all, I'm happy to see that this section has been established in this Forum, as I agree with @lake_flyer and others who supported this request that it's important to have an area germane to the commercial/professional UAV operator and that issues that arise in the establishment/approval and conduct of commercial operations have a home for discussion here. Kudos to all and especially the editors.

Now, to my specific question: I've submitted my 333 exemption request last Thu, Aug 13 and have received acknowledgement on Regulations.gov of receipt, but when I search for for it, I get a message that says "This comment was received in Regulations.gov but is not yet posted." I assume that it takes a few days for the FAA to review the request. Can those of you that have recently submitted tell me how long it took for your request between submission and posting?
I'm getting the same "auto reply" as you are Quadpilot and it's going on 4 weeks. I called the FAA and they assured me that right now it's taking up to 5-6 weeks to get into the system. I hope I'll see it's moved on to the next step in the approval process soon...
Quad pilot, I got the exemption via email on 9 May

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I'm getting the same "auto reply" as you are Quadpilot and it's going on 4 weeks. I called the FAA and they assured me that right now it's taking up to 5-6 weeks to get into the system. I hope I'll see it's moved on to the next step in the approval process soon...

Wow, so you're saying that its been 4 weeks and your exemption request has not yet been reviewed, much less approved? I know they posted that currently the approval takes around 60 days, but it's hard to see how that is possible if they haven't even reviewed/posted your request. I guess they are understaffed and overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications.
It takes time. In speaking with the FAA they allotted resources to process 500 applications in a year, they have received nearly 2000. If you have not, begin the process for getting N Numbers for your aircraft. That too is a time consuming process. We had quite a bit of back and forth with that office because they are not sure how to process UAVs that well yet either.
It takes time. In speaking with the FAA they allotted resources to process 500 applications in a year, they have received nearly 2000. If you have not, begin the process for getting N Numbers for your aircraft. That too is a time consuming process. We had quite a bit of back and forth with that office because they are not sure how to process UAVs that well yet either.

Done that already, and I understand how that process is tricky (make sure to PRINT your name under your signature on the form - many people miss that). It's silly to require a notarized statement of ownership for a UAV bought on the internet, but the process is geared for having a manufacturer's bill of sale for an aircraft that has an airworthiness certificate. Anyway, I should get those back in a month or so. Probably much longer for the COA.
My exemption came with the blanket Certificate of Authorization that allows flights up to 200' in class G airspace. I have submitted a request to go to 400' in class G in a specific area near my university where I teach via the online COA request page. I am going on 1 month and 12 days for approval. The FAA advertises 2 weeks for the request. This is in class G airspace!

A conflict of limitations was forwarded to the FAA: the exemption letter says I can fly up to 400' in class G while the blanket COA that is simultaneously issued states a limitation of 200' in class G. I have asked for a specific geographic area to operate at 400' in class G. Still waiting. The people I have spoken with are government contractors that have been hired by the FAA to process COA requests.
Im just wondering why you guys are taking the time to do this? What is the benefit from it? its pretty clear even if you have permission to fly at AREA 51 with g14 security clearance DJI isn't going to give you the ability to disable the no-fly zones on the i1. Are you guys using another aircraft or what?
Im just wondering why you guys are taking the time to do this? What is the benefit from it? its pretty clear even if you have permission to fly at AREA 51 with g14 security clearance DJI isn't going to give you the ability to disable the no-fly zones on the i1. Are you guys using another aircraft or what?

Incorrect - DJI already offer the ability to disable No Fly zones on the Inspire for certified UAV pilots on a case by case basis and a web based unlock solution will be launched in the coming weeks!
First of all, I'm happy to see that this section has been established in this Forum, as I agree with @lake_flyer and others who supported this request that it's important to have an area germane to the commercial/professional UAV operator and that issues that arise in the establishment/approval and conduct of commercial operations have a home for discussion here. Kudos to all and especially the editors.

Now, to my specific question: I've submitted my 333 exemption request last Thu, Aug 13 and have received acknowledgement on Regulations.gov of receipt, but when I search for for it, I get a message that says "This comment was received in Regulations.gov but is not yet posted." I assume that it takes a few days for the FAA to review the request. Can those of you that have recently submitted tell me how long it took for your request between submission and posting?

Hi , how do i start my 333 exemption? is there a web site or form ? any tips you can share ?
I have submitted a request to go to 400' in class G in a specific area near my university where I teach via the online COA request page.... The people I have spoken with are government contractors that have been hired by the FAA to process COA requests.

Hi Yardman,

Did you have any trouble with the FAA's online UAS Civil COA request form? I get a "Valid Ready to File" flag and a Save Draft button. But clicking the button causes a useless error message to appear "Submit Error - Failed to Save Draft". Their help desk is "looking into it" and have basically said "Don't call us, we'll call you." I am not hopeful.

I have an exception. I've tried multiple browsers and OSs. Cleared caches, Enable popups. Etc., etc. No luck.

Good luck on your COA btw!
Still waiting for COA approval, sorry to hear of your difficulties with the website, I did not have any trouble with it.
Got an email from my FAACOA request point of contact telling me a new person was assigned as the point of contact. I wrote her over two weeks ago and no reply.

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