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SFOC (Canadian residents - Commercial license)

Mar 30, 2015
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Hi all!

Transport Canada (TC) mentions a 20 day delay for Restricted SFOC simplified application response. I am currently 18 days out and NO word yet from TC.

Anyone else have issues?! I am located in the province of Quebec.

I've had no end of frustration with TC. I filed one in February, and received a response back saying that it would be completed no later than March 16. Around the 24th they sent me another email saying that they had changed their policy for the PNR (Prairie and Northern Region) and that I had to fill out their complex app form. Not only that...I am delayed by another month and a half or so...
I've posted the below elsewhere on here...but hopefully they'll help you out.

Did you receive your ATS number? This is your file number for their system. You should have received a confirmation email of receipt at the very least...

Best of luck!
Safe Flying!!


I've had no end of frustration with TC. I filed one in February, and received a response back saying that it would be completed no later than March 16. Around the 24th they sent me another email saying that they had changed their policy for the PNR (Prairie and Northern Region) and that I had to fill out their complex app form. Not only that...I am delayed by another month and a half or so...
I've posted the below elsewhere on here...but hopefully they'll help you out.

Did you receive your ATS number? This is your file number for their system. You should have received a confirmation email of receipt at the very least...

Best of luck!
Safe Flying!!

We did NOT receive a ATS #... We do know that the only person that treats the applications in Qc only works 3 days a week. In the meantime we are keeping our fingers crossed and gaining flight, safety and bureaucratic experience ;)

Thanks for the Guidance form, we never saw that material (in Qc anyway). As for the TC Staff Instruction, yeah, I am almost at the point of reciting it by heart...!
Glad to be of service Heli! Anything to keep things moving forward safely...if not completely effectively...lol...

I wish there was a course we could go through to gain a blanket SFOC from TC without going through these trials and tribulations. How am I supposed to start up a business if I can't service my clients in a timely fashion???
I've had no end of frustration with TC. I filed one in February, and received a response back saying that it would be completed no later than March 16. Around the 24th they sent me another email saying that they had changed their policy for the PNR (Prairie and Northern Region) and that I had to fill out their complex app form. Not only that...I am delayed by another month and a half or so...
I've posted the below elsewhere on here...but hopefully they'll help you out.

Did you receive your ATS number? This is your file number for their system. You should have received a confirmation email of receipt at the very least...

Best of luck!
Safe Flying!!

Wow, that form is crazy.. We have to fill out the entire thing? I'm currently grounded because my remote USB isn't working, but maybe I should apply now for some jobs in September... Talk about making things difficult. I do feel that's ridiculously over-complicated...
Glad to be of service Heli! Anything to keep things moving forward safely...if not completely effectively...lol...

I wish there was a course we could go through to gain a blanket SFOC from TC without going through these trials and tribulations. How am I supposed to start up a business if I can't service my clients in a timely fashion???

Our thoughts exactly... Not easy trying to generate a client base / revenue when we have to delay their timeline.
Wow, that form is crazy.. We have to fill out the entire thing? I'm currently grounded because my remote USB isn't working, but maybe I should apply now for some jobs in September... Talk about making things difficult. I do feel that's ridiculously over-complicated...
The good news is that you really only have to fill it out the once other than your flight operations plan. Most of that stuff is just about the aircraft and its capabilities as well as your checklists for flight prep, safety, emergency procedures and the like. A pain in the arse to start, but not so bad once you get it done.
...until you get another unit and have to do most of it all over again...lol...
Anyone have luck getting a longer standing time on an SFOC? Say for a month at a time and perhaps a more general area?
SFOC received!! In time but just... Received it this morning the 14th of April and our mission request was for April 15th.

We did place a call to our TC contact a week prior to accelerate the process and it did work. Our email was ''lost'' in the others.

Posting other SFOC request this week. Many!
SFOC received!! In time but just... Received it this morning the 14th of April and our mission request was for April 15th.

We did place a call to our TC contact a week prior to accelerate the process and it did work. Our email was ''lost'' in the others.

Posting other SFOC request this week. Many!
That's great to hear!!! What region are you in? Can you provide a sample of your submission?
I'm still working through the Complex form they sent me...it's a bastard and my darned day job keeps interrupting me...lol
Hello everybody, just signed up after reading about all the frustration in regards to acquiring SFOC from TC, seems daunting to get this done. Has anyone been refused a SFOC. Going to start my ground school tomorrow, with all I've read I'm thinking my business won't start till next summer!
Hi all!

Transport Canada (TC) mentions a 20 day delay for Restricted SFOC simplified application response. I am currently 18 days out and NO word yet from TC.

Anyone else have issues?! I am located in the province of Quebec.


Here in Ontario I receive my SFOC confirmations usually 30 days from the day I send them in.
Wow, that form is crazy.. We have to fill out the entire thing? I'm currently grounded because my remote USB isn't working, but maybe I should apply now for some jobs in September... Talk about making things difficult. I do feel that's ridiculously over-complicated...

I've been working on my customized Complex application for 2 months now, will be completing it and sending to T.C. next week.
I've been working on my customized Complex application for 2 months now, will be completing it and sending to T.C. next week.
Thanks for the reply Johnny! I am still a bit confused you are working on your application for 2 months but you receive your SFOC confirmations 30 days later? So you have to apply for every job you do? I thought you could get a blanket SFOC say from March till Oct. Do I have that right? I need to get up to speed on this I am hoping that like minded people like yourself can enlighten me, thanks for your patience's.
Have you guys not read through the new commercial exemptions TC released in December?
What type of commercial project are you shooting that requires you have a SFOC?
Have you guys not read through the new commercial exemptions TC released in December?
What type of commercial project are you shooting that requires you have a SFOC?
We haven't shot any commercial jobs at all, when I spoke with TC they told me that I could not fly commercially unless I had SFOC first. Our target customers would be real estate and businesses till we get more proficient flying. Are you telling me that I do not need SFOC? I am very concerned that I do things correctly, fines are large, and as a fledgling industry I do not want to help ruin it for everybody. My goal was to have an SFOC that blankets most of the year, is that not possible TC told me that I would not have to apply for each individual job. Your input would be most valuable. Thanking you ahead of time.
The new exemptions have many rules that people are not reading. SFOC will be required for most people TC has a document that spells out the entire rules required to meet the exemptions. The info graphic is poor. There is a SFOC Facebook group which is great. Look for it, lots of good advice!
The new exemptions have many rules that people are not reading. SFOC will be required for most people TC has a document that spells out the entire rules required to meet the exemptions. The info graphic is poor. There is a SFOC Facebook group which is great. Look for it, lots of good advice!
Thanks for r the info seems to be a lot of misinformation out there.
Thanks for the reply Johnny! I am still a bit confused you are working on your application for 2 months but you receive your SFOC confirmations 30 days later? So you have to apply for every job you do? I thought you could get a blanket SFOC say from March till Oct. Do I have that right? I need to get up to speed on this I am hoping that like minded people like yourself can enlighten me, thanks for your patience's.

My SFOC applications thus far have been for simple 1 flight commercial jobs, i.e., flying 40metres AGL for 10 minutes or less over a real estate property for sale in a safe location. My Complex application I am now completing is a formal request to TC to allow similar/various safe flights any time I require covering a wider geographic area over the course of 1 year (blanket). A helluva lot more content required to meet all of their criteria. Btw my first TC certificate awarded, they commented about my SFOC submission, "Your SFOC application was very thorough". You gotta remember this is the fed government you're dealing with, they don't give a crap about you making money, they care about public/aviation safety, which is the way it should be when you see so many f@king yahoos flying around like the a$$holes they are!

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