Surface Elevation Tool

Aug 13, 2015
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In planning a shoot for a client, having surveyed the site, I came across this tool for calculating LOS based on Google Earth Elevation Data. Within the regulatory limit of 500m here in the UK, its very useful. Allowances need to be made for buildings, trees and other obstacles, but its very helpful for determine AGL altitude for a flight path.

Solwise - Surface Elevation Tool
Great find, thanks, Michael Morris

Hi Glen,

I was very fortunate to discover this tool developed by a communications company here in the UK. I think it will aid in minimising unintended RTH incidents and will help in collision avoidance if sensible assumptions are made with regard to trees, buildings towers etc.

In my case, my upcoming shoot in in undulating country which is partially forested and I should be able to ensure a good LOS right out to 500m without worry.

This tool works worldwide with Google Earth and would be a good aid in mountainous area in N.America or anywhere where there is good data for that matter.

I particularly like the moving margin of LOS relative to your position on a plotted flight path. Have fun!


Reactions: Glen
Hiya Michael, A very fortunate find, thank you for sharing. I have been mapping out flight paths using "Autoflight Logic's Autopilot" and using the surface elevation tool comes in very very handy indeed for LOS. There is a sticky for Apps & Links where this should be added.