I’ll be swapping over with the tops off my old 47s. If this works, I think I’ll make a model of the 47 so I can print new tops when they stop producing them for the I1!
Well... sorry to say, swapping 48 with 48S is not straight forward as hoped.... and I assumed!
Turns out the Circuit Board is NOT compatible with the Inspires FW & expectations when connected.
It gives a battery failure warning, shows unknown volts, and indicates Motors have overheated.
In reality, the Inspire powered up fine, camera calibrated and video was transmitted to RC Tablet and full camera control.
In conclusion... to make this work, you'd need the Round Top & Inspire Circuit board.
From here... I played a bit indicated by the following photos for those interested or entertaining performing the swap.
*** First off, I was wrong on the Top fitting either... I was meaning the Round Top fit in the M600Pro bays. ***
The full swap isn't overly difficult, but it does require patience and careful handling.
Removing the Top is quick... a few flat blade screw drivers (3).. 2 at rear to release hooks... then while holding top up with a little thumb pressure... release the Lf & Rt side rear hooks... from there is a quick release of ft hooks and top comes off clean & undamaged.
Remove the 4 Screws holding Circuit board in top.
Remove the Balance Lead on Circuit board.
Carefully unsnap with flat blade screw driver, the NON-Power Connector side of frame pieces, then release the bottom and move to bottom of Power side. Carefully unsnap the 2 snaps at the Power connector.
** This allows you to remove the terminal plate and the frames to access and remove the Temp Sensor Tip that is lightly glued in between 2 Gel Packs.
*** Keep in Mind, with screw drivers and probing around... you're working with LiPo Gel behind a thin skin cell.
Desolder the 2 Main Leads from the Circuit Board.
Move Circuit Board with Temp Sensor attached to new Battery Pack.
*** This is YOUR responsibility, if you don't know how to desolder & manage heat on board and resolder resin boards, don't attempt.
*** This is a LIVE LiPO, not entertaining to short a LiPo... remove Positive Lead and insure it makes NO Contact with Board or a Ground Source.
*** I would recommend you desolder the board that will be discarded FIRST to get into the groove and verify temps. Better to cook a bad board and practice your desoldering on a board that will be tossed.
*** In pic 9 (10 pics) the 2 large leads in corner of board in Ft of Temp sensor are the main leads to desolder. It's nice they are in corner and clear of any micro-solder component.
Reverse Order to reassemble the battery back to it's normal state.
**** NOTE: If you don't Disconnect the Balance Lead from the Circuit Board, the board with go into a "Error Status" that most folks have not resolved and tossed the battery. The Error status is "constant blinking" of Power Light & Charge LEDs and unable to turn OFF or Charge.
The battery is useless and if left to blink, will take itself completely down and won't accept a charge.
HOW TO Correct a Battery Failure - Constant Blinking, Won't Turn Off.
Remove Top, disconnect Balance lead from Battery, Plug In Charger for 10-15 seconds, Unplug Charger 10 seconds, then Plug into Charger again and LEAVE Plugged in & charging... and now Connect the Balance Lead back onto Battery while charging.
Let it sit, it will most likely blink a few odd blinks... then begin blinking like it's charging normally.
Let it charge for at least 3-5 minutes before removing... when removing... the Power Button should work again and the LED give proper status and behavior.
In hast to take battery down, I didn't follow my own instructions and I had a pretty new TB48 now flashing, not turning off and basically INOP and ruined. The above corrected the blinking - no off problem without issue.