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Mar 12, 2015
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My batteries arrived today. UK stock of these has been a joke to say the least
I ordered them and paid 3 month ago, they are now with me oh the joy!
Im so happy with this I though I would share this news

Regards, fellow pilots :)
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What UK supplier did you order them from harry? I'm still waiting on two from buildyourowndrone. Quadcopters.co.uk have refunded all their tb48 pre orders saying they wont be getting any stock in the near future. It's such a joke. Glad you got yours tho. There is some glimmer of hope then.....
What UK supplier did you order them from harry? I'm still waiting on two from buildyourowndrone. Quadcopters.co.uk have refunded all their tb48 pre orders saying they wont be getting any stock in the near future. It's such a joke. Glad you got yours tho. There is some glimmer of hope then.....

I ordered them from ProAV as I got a price no one could match, however my local supplier HeliGuy had UK stock a month before anyone else I deal with.
So ProAv asked if I wanted a refund, but it was pointless as I would just go on a priority list with HeliGuy and waited maybe longer.
I get on well with Martin at buildyourowndrone, I'm sure they had stock, but maybe have pre orders to go through first?
What UK supplier did you order them from harry? I'm still waiting on two from buildyourowndrone. Quadcopters.co.uk have refunded all their tb48 pre orders saying they wont be getting any stock in the near future. It's such a joke. Glad you got yours tho. There is some glimmer of hope then.....


They are located in UK but Im very reluctant to order from ebay incase there fake?
I nearly did at one point!
Yes Martin had stock a few weeks back and he distributed them around the pre orders. I got one of them. I had pre ordered 3. He basically said they are just having to share the short supply out. I'm guessing when/if the next batch arrive I will get another one of my pre orders.
I'm still glad I got it all from byod. Heard some shocking stories about quadcopters.co.uk and their poor attitude towards customers who had pre orders.
I'll just continue waiting....
A couple of my mates have had them from eBay. Seems ok. Arrived in a couple of days. I'm in no rush really. As long as I get them I guess.

so u reckon that ebay supplier is OK? i question how they can get so many over authorised suppliers?
I may use in future?
I wondered the same but they do and its fine. The seller my mates got them from was selling them in pairs. They had 6 off him in total.

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