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TB50 Stock - Australia

Jan 9, 2016
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Does anyone have any suggested suppliers for stock currently? I am literally struggling to find a single retailer in Australia who has TB50's in stock.

I'm considering purchasing from somewhere like Advexure.com (US based) - they have openly advertised their stock here on IP and with international shipping and USD/AUD exchange rate it comes out no more expensive. Only trouble will be shipping time. And I'm trying to avoid ordering directly from DJI - who knows when they will ship. Hence the urgency in looking for a retailer who has stock ready to roll.
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@Advexure - I already bought from you guys! For anyone in AUS looking for batteries, US retailers are a go. Came out slightly cheaper than local stores, mainly due to buying 4 TB50's + Shipping + USD->AUD conversion coming in just under the $1,000AUD import and GST limit and thus not having to pay the taxes on it.

International shipping took 12 days.
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@Advexure - I already bought from you guys! For anyone in AUS looking for batteries, US retailers are a go. Came out slightly cheaper than local stores, mainly due to buying 4 TB50's + Shipping + USD->AUD conversion coming in just under the $1,000AUD import and GST limit and thus not having to pay the taxes on it.

International shipping took 12 days.

Happy to hear we got things worked out for you. Safe and happy flying!
Came out slightly cheaper than local stores, mainly due to buying 4 TB50's + Shipping + USD->AUD

That's excellent news for those in Australia.

Out of curiosity, which carrier was used?

It isn't easy getting 4 packs shipped to Australia as a single consignment without other equipment in the pack, or were they shipped with equipment... ?
Mark - feel free to shoot us an email and we can arrange the details.

Thanks for the offer, I'm not in Australia, but have tried to help friends there with sourcing from the USA and EU in the past.

I'll happily refer them to you though as you seem to have got things working even under the new shipping rules, but do they need to order anything with the batteries, or can you ship packs without anything else being ordered?
All depends on the country. Typically when batteries are "packed with equipment" things are a bit easier than simply shipping "loose batteries in bulk". Things are constantly changing with lithium battery shipping regulations as you may know. One of the guys in the warehouse has done the different certification processes required but they are always adding and requiring new certifications (for a good reason as we all know how dangerous knock-off lithium batteries can be).

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