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Video editing program for windows

Apr 19, 2015
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I am brand new to video editing and wanting to learn how to edit videos and add music to my Inspire and Go Pro videos. Is there a good editing windows program for the Inspire that is not to difficult to learn?
adobe premiere is fairly easy to do basic editing. to bad your not on mac final cut pro x is way better and easier to learn. DONT USE SONY VEGAS... your basic 3 programs that are industry standard are premiere, Avid, and Final cut pro these are really the only editing programs you should use in my opinion the others are garbage. if u have used Photoshop premiere should be easy jump off point.
adobe premiere is fairly easy to do basic editing. to bad your not on mac final cut pro x is way better and easier to learn. DONT USE SONY VEGAS... your basic 3 programs that are industry standard are premiere, Avid, and Final cut pro these are really the only editing programs you should use in my opinion the others are garbage. if u have used Photoshop premiere should be easy jump off point.
Thank you for your help... Do you know if there is a Final Cut Pro for windows ?. If not I probably will go with the adobe. I'm just looking for the easiest one to use and learn...
Thank you for your help... Do you know if there is a Final Cut Pro for windows ?. If not I probably will go with the adobe. I'm just looking for the easiest one to use and learn...
Do you know if there are specific ones that works better for the Inspire ?
I use Magix video pro X7.It came with a lot of usefull extra's including Music Maker video.Keep an eye on special offers and you have it all for around 200 euro($220)
I use Magix video pro X7.It came with a lot of usefull extra's including Music Maker video.Keep an eye on special offers and you have it all for around 200 euro($220)
Thank you .. I'm going to look into that program also ... I just looking for something easy and simple to use ....
I currently use a mix of adobe after effects, premier and cinema 4d. I also wouldn't say don't use Sony Vegas I have plenty of friends that do a lot of video editing with it. They say Vegas is really easy to learn compared to other video editing software. I personally enjoy after effects and premier do to all the features.
Thank you for your help... Do you know if there is a Final Cut Pro for windows ?. If not I probably will go with the adobe. I'm just looking for the easiest one to use and learn...

FCP only runs on apple only. Adobe premier pro runs on both. I have use both and prefer adobe but you will get as many people that like FCP as you do Adobe. This is true with both amateurs or pros. The main reason I like the adobe suite is that I have been using Photoshop for many years and the interface in Premiere is very similar. They both use the concept of layers which is very logical to me. FCP does not use layers but their technique gets you the same affect as layers. Now, the big advantage of FCP is the price. Way cheaper!
Power Director is indeed very easy to use and has some nice features like simple picture in/over picture (nice for telemetry screen overlay).

It's also a fast renderer. Saves you at least 30% in rendering time compared to any other program I tried. It came free with my Dell XPS. I get a bit tired of the in app advertising for the pro version though. Lot of the functions don't work and take you straight to the webshop if you click on them. But for a very quick clip edit, straight to Youtube, it's awesome.

If you really want to dive deep into post processing and editing, Davinci Resolve is a good choice. Steep learning curve though. But it is a free download for personal/small users. No nagging, no advertisements, nothing, just a very deep program. Fortunately there are some good tutorials on youtube, specifically dealing with Inspire1 videos.
I need to add: Resolve is primarily a color grading and mastering tool that gives you a lot of possibilities in post processing. For true editing and cutting most people use a different program. Cutting is possible in Resolve though, but it doesn't have the simple toolsets like other programs have.

Gopro Studio is also extremely simple for editing / music adding. It's template based and really fast to learn.

And it is completely free to download and use.
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Ive used windows movie maker, avs4u, adobe premiere 12 and the online version of adobe CC whatever and for the life of me I cannot make a video to combine multiple shorter clips into one longer video file and add sound while retaining the original file video quality. I record at 1080P 60FPS and with all those programs the best output file quality i can get is 1080P 30FPS output file which looks like absolute CRAP, about half the quality of the original video file.

I refuse to believe that I cannot add sound and retain original quality but no matter what i try it gets cut in half and have tried multiple times/settings but it takes a long time to create the file so im sick of blindly trying different options. There is no setting/option available that i can find that allows 60FPS except for downgrading it to 720P. What am I doing wrong and why the freak does it take an hour+ to combine a few short clips and add sound to end up with one longer video file?

I would think is should be fast and simple to combine multiple short files into one continuous file. Cut and paste baby! But no, my quad core Intel i7core 920 with 6 gb of ram running windows 7 takes an hour+ to make a few shorter clips into a 30 some minute continuous clip at half original quality. WTF, WTF, PLEAS HALP! :) Very frustrated, Thanks.
Ive used windows movie maker, avs4u, adobe premiere 12 and the online version of adobe CC whatever and for the life of me I cannot make a video to combine multiple shorter clips into one longer video file and add sound while retaining the original file video quality. I record at 1080P 60FPS and with all those programs the best output file quality i can get is 1080P 30FPS output file which looks like absolute CRAP, about half the quality of the original video file.

I refuse to believe that I cannot add sound and retain original quality but no matter what i try it gets cut in half and have tried multiple times/settings but it takes a long time to create the file so im sick of blindly trying different options. There is no setting/option available that i can find that allows 60FPS except for downgrading it to 720P. What am I doing wrong and why the freak does it take an hour+ to combine a few short clips and add sound to end up with one longer video file?

I would think is should be fast and simple to combine multiple short files into one continuous file. Cut and paste baby! But no, my quad core Intel i7core 920 with 6 gb of ram running windows 7 takes an hour+ to make a few shorter clips into a 30 some minute continuous clip at half original quality. WTF, WTF, PLEAS HALP! :) Very frustrated, Thanks.

I am not sure what exactly is causing your problems, but I can assure you it is not the software. And your machine configuration is more than adequate to handle the power requirements of the software. As I said in an earlier post, I am a heavy Adobe premiere Pro user. I also used Final Cut Pro extensively. My preference is Adobe and with it I build movies from various clips, add sound, and create 4K output. These 2 software products are used by professional editors around the world to create the movies we see on the big screen. If I were you I would look into making sure I have the correct graphics drivers for your computer. Then I would access the how to videos for whichever software you are using. There are tons of free YouTube videos on how to use every feature of these products.
I refuse to believe that I cannot add sound and retain original quality
What am I doing wrong and why the freak does it take an hour+ to combine a few short clips and add sound to end up with one longer video file?
That is just how it works. Any change to the video image requires a full reencoding of the whole resulting sequence.

If all you want is really only to cut/join clips (no transitions, no image adjustments, no titles,...) you can use some remuxing software like avidemux. You can also replace sound there providing you've created/fitted the sound to the correct length and rendered it as a standalone sound file in a separate program first.

But that said any decent video editing software would have export settings that should please you.
There is no setting/option available that i can find that allows 60FPS except for downgrading it to 720P.
If you can't find them, then the software you're using is too old or restricted. 1080p60 is kinda considered "professional" so the cheap/lite consumer versions of editing programs may not offer it.
Ive used windows movie maker, avs4u, adobe premiere 12 and the online version of adobe CC whatever and for the life of me I cannot make a video to combine multiple shorter clips into one longer video file and add sound while retaining the original file video quality. I record at 1080P 60FPS and with all those programs the best output file quality i can get is 1080P 30FPS output file which looks like absolute CRAP, about half the quality of the original video file.

I refuse to believe that I cannot add sound and retain original quality but no matter what i try it gets cut in half and have tried multiple times/settings but it takes a long time to create the file so im sick of blindly trying different options. There is no setting/option available that i can find that allows 60FPS except for downgrading it to 720P. What am I doing wrong and why the freak does it take an hour+ to combine a few short clips and add sound to end up with one longer video file?

I would think is should be fast and simple to combine multiple short files into one continuous file. Cut and paste baby! But no, my quad core Intel i7core 920 with 6 gb of ram running windows 7 takes an hour+ to make a few shorter clips into a 30 some minute continuous clip at half original quality. WTF, WTF, PLEAS HALP! :) Very frustrated, Thanks.
Ya I'm not sure what is going on, but I use Adobe premier cc and have no problem rendering in 1080 60fps and even 4k at 24fps. I personally have a custom preset for each device that I have. Also for a 30 minute video of short clips will most likely take hour+ with 6gb of ram. I know for sure premier cc is very ram demanding.
I need to add: Resolve is primarily a color grading and mastering tool that gives you a lot of possibilities in post processing. For true editing and cutting most people use a different program.
Blackmagic has however announced that Resolve 12 which is supposed to come out very shortly will have full editing capabilities that can compete with the best. That will likely become THE go-to choice for many once it's out.
Blackmagic has however announced that Resolve 12 which is supposed to come out very shortly will have full editing capabilities that can compete with the best. That will likely become THE go-to choice for many once it's out.

Based on the video I just watched, it appears to be going head-to-head with Adobe Premiere CC. The latest version of that came out just a couple of weeks ago, and I'm really enjoying it.
Based on the video I just watched, it appears to be going head-to-head with Adobe Premiere CC. The latest version of that came out just a couple of weeks ago, and I'm really enjoying it.

But you also need to consider how Premier pro is integrated with Speedgrade, After Effects, Encore and so on in their suite configuration. I regularly use Premiere to create the video timeline, Photoshop to create an interactive DVD menu and Encore to create the actual DVD. It all works so well together.
But you also need to consider how Premier pro is integrated with Speedgrade, After Effects, Encore and so on in their suite configuration. I regularly use Premiere to create the video timeline, Photoshop to create an interactive DVD menu and Encore to create the actual DVD. It all works so well together.

Indeed it does.

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