Okay, here's one I have not seen before. I was shooting a rural property with my Inspire 1.2 RAW, had a good satellite count on liftoff, did my usual "hold at 15 AGL" so that I could walk under aircraft and listen for anything unexpected and also check battery cell condition, then I started my climb-out. At 30' AGL I lost all satellites and the aircraft went in to "opti" mode. The crosswind was kinda stiff, but I landed without issue and powered down, pulled the battery, then powered back up and tried again from a slightly different location. Same thing. I then moved again, re-calibrated everything, had the same thing happen a third time. The property owner was there, and said that he had some sat uplinks going form one of the buildings (about 200 feet away) so we got into his ATV and went out into the middle of the property, which was well over 1,000 feet away from anything except trees. All was well until about 30 AGL, when all sats vanished and I had to fight serious crosswind through trees to a fast landing with gear up. Bird is fine but the cheap little gimball arm on my X5R broke, so it is back to California for that.
I've had GPS flake on me before, but never like this. We were in a completely rural area, that last time we were quite a ways away from anything. I had not flown in a while, so did some simple check-flying yesterday to check for potential update strangeness and did not find any major issues. Has anyone seen anything like this?
I've had GPS flake on me before, but never like this. We were in a completely rural area, that last time we were quite a ways away from anything. I had not flown in a while, so did some simple check-flying yesterday to check for potential update strangeness and did not find any major issues. Has anyone seen anything like this?