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What is wrong with people?

Jan 8, 2015
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OK, lets not be taking off in the middle of the road folks, get that, but really... Guy see drone... Sees red, and just decides to knock it down to the ground. Cant we all just get along?

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Wasn't me, just saw this posted. Thing is, there probably won't be much use... The cops would say you shouldn't be flying in the street etc... The guy didn't look like was itching for a fight either way. Bet they'd throw them both out the police station with a warning. People can be so intelligent when they want to be eh?
Hey guys. .
just a bully doing his thing..
He knew he could get away with it because he had a physical advantage in a fight over the pilot and his buddy. .
Pilot should have seen this coming and gained altitude and walked away..
Guys like this bully shouldn't do things like this unless they want to be shot or worse ,because one day they will underestimate their adversary and pay the price...
I'm personally sick of people like this jerk..
Must suck to be that guy...
turbo. ..
I'm not sure what I would have done, but I really don't want to know until that time comes.
Fortunately the Phantom bit him back in his leg. I'm sure he has a couple of scratches to remind him later.
The fat guy obviously had some good reasons not wanting to be filmed.
He looked like he did some time and he's not eager to be sent back to the slammer.
Why on earth would you choose the middle of the road to fly from, what a bunch of idiots. Not sure about regulations in the states, though surely common sense must kick in somewhere.
Here in the United States it's called "criminal damage to property"
The Dist. Attorney would have gotten an easy conviction having that video as proof.

If the fat arse had a problem with the drone, he is free to call the Police, (not take matter's into his own hands).

When flying in public my instinct is to get the bird up as fast as possible, like out of sight out of mind. After watching this it more reason to do so
Right, I live in Gonzales, TX. But I have no need to launch in the middle of the road

The fact the pilot launched from the street is irrelevant. Launching from a road or not, it doesn't excuse the actions of the assailant in anyway. It also doesn't reduce the pilots ability to protect their property.
OK, lets not be taking off in the middle of the road folks, get that, but really... Guy see drone... Sees red, and just decides to knock it down to the ground. Cant we all just get along?

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i have this in my tapatalk...

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