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X3 Live Image problems after Update

Jan 22, 2017
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My first post here, but not new to the rodeo. I decided to update one of the two Inspire 1's I have for a high school program I teach. After a successful update of the AC, batteries, camera, then finally the RC, I re-linked the system, and had all controls (AC and gimbals). The status info showed V1.10.1.40 for all three (AC, Camera, RC) with no issues. Even though the histogram shows the telltale of a live image, and I can also take photos and video (saved on micro-SD card in camera), there is no live image transmission. I decided to remove and replace that X3 camera with my spare from the other Inspire 1, with firmware V1.08.01.00. Now I had a perfect image, without issues. I then put the "problem X3" on the other Inspire 1 (running V1.08.01.00), with all functions except live video feed; gimbals good, histogram shows brightness levels, and photos/video get recorded on microSD card.

I am stumped; it is almost as if the encoding for video transmission has changed between the two firmware's; just my opinion. Both Inspire 1's worked fine prior to this, so I am the author of my own pain. What I want to know is if the X3 itself can be "rolled back" to earlier firmware by the user. I had also tried resetting the RC controller for image linking, using the multiple shutter-C1-C2-record-power cycle procedure I read on this forum, again to no avail.

Thanks for taking the time to read this; I would appreciate constructive comments.


I have been having the same issue however it is intermittent. I have found some success in reseating the camera on the Gimbal. The camera seems to be the source of the problem not the transmissions IMO and your post is confirming this mystery in my view. The GO app shows 5 bars HD and 5 bars Remote but indicates radio interference in the submenu system. I don't understand how those 3 messages relate to each other. Something is not right about the info displayed. If there is interference why 5 bars!? and if this stops transmission why is this a low lwvel message not top menu? Why no suggestion of the problem. I get this message "No image transmission" all the time now at locations I have flown many times, including empty fields!
Just wondering if either of you have posted this on the DJI forums. Maybe one of the reps would comment on this issue.
Not I. They are sooo noisy. Even this site is nearly impossible to search for quality. Would be nice to have sort by date and other ways to tighten up the results.
That said I need to figure this out and on a mission so will post back if I find a reliable answer.
Not I. They are sooo noisy. Even this site is nearly impossible to search for quality. Would be nice to have sort by date and other ways to tighten up the results.
That said I need to figure this out and on a mission so will post back if I find a reliable answer.
I mentioned it because usually, although not always, they'll comment or will say we'll pass on the info to their techs. I guess the only other option is to phone DJI and wait in the line.
Alastair and eldorado,

Thanks for your replies and comments; most appreciated. I have the same 5x5 on the quality bars also; go figure as they say. I decided to up the odds by ordering another new X3, and trying that out of the box at whatever level the firmware is at. I have not opened the questionable X3 up yet, but as it is just out of warranty (~ 1 month), I will give it a shot to check internals (ribbon connector seating, bad soldering, etc) after I have the new camera in and installed. Yes, the issue is the camera, no doubt in my mind, just a question of what! I wish I could get a schematic, or even better, a pin-out of the electrical connector, to be able to attempt some form of testing.

BTW: Nice to see the "Neighbors Up North" connection; my family is originally from Kentville (Kings County), NS ;-)


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I am assuming these X3's are early production models? (First part of 2015).
Am I right?
If so, your only option would be to purchase another X3.
Some early X3's suffered this intermittent video issue (usually after a FW flash but was not firmware version related).
Never did get to the bottom of it and DJI will never admit it.
"Some early X3's suffered this intermittent video issue (usually after a FW flash but was not firmware version related).
Never did get to the bottom of it and DJI will never admit it."

The Inspire 1 with the imaging problems was purchased in November of 2015 (not sure of production date), my spare (no issues with live imaging) was purchased in March of 2016. If this is a fact that DJI is aware of that (after FW updates), the general public (owner operators) should be entitled to some form of relief, IMO. How is it that you are aware of this issue?
"Some early X3's suffered this intermittent video issue (usually after a FW flash but was not firmware version related).
Never did get to the bottom of it and DJI will never admit it."

The Inspire 1 with the imaging problems was purchased in November of 2015 (not sure of production date), my spare (no issues with live imaging) was purchased in March of 2016. If this is a fact that DJI is aware of that (after FW updates), the general public (owner operators) should be entitled to some form of relief, IMO. How is it that you are aware of this issue?
It's a Chinese company so dream on if you think you will get any sort of 'relief' :p
Bite the bullet, purchase another X3 and your issues wil be sorted.
It's a Chinese company so dream on if you think you will get any sort of 'relief' :p
Bite the bullet, purchase another X3 and your issues wil be sorted.

I have already purchased and am awaiting delivery of another X3. As a retired E.E. & M.E. with 40+ years of systems design in my background and an AMA member for 32 years, I cringe when I read through the various postings, mostly having to due with so-called "updates" that have been poorly launched, much like some of the issues that the major software providers have done "for us". I think that the next drone system that I will work with in teaching students is going to be home-grown. Certainly not without issues, but much more purposeful for our needs. We have already 3-D printed frames, complete with landing gear, for a quad and a hex rotor craft, so the rest is the electronics/power systems. At least it is a starting point...

Thanks for you insight, and I understand the "China Syndrome" all too well, especially with regards to responsibility or the lack thereof...


Hi to all I have this exact same issue with my Inspire 1 no video feed after firmware update,everything else working fine, X3 camera.
Have never flown this one so still brand new,have contacted dji they said send it in to them, so waiting to see what they say :(
Oh well guess I'll have to play with my Rapter V2 fpv
Cheers Chaps
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So your Inspire 1 was fine also, prior to the upgrade (V1.10.1.40)? What was the prior installed firmware version? I cannot fathom how this issue has not been addressed by DJI; read post #8 (The Editor). He never answered the question about the source of his info, so all bets are off as far as I am concerned. If the only fix is by buying another X3, which I did, the pair of Inspire 1's I have will most likely be my last DJI purchase in the foreseeable future. I am going to post this question to the DJI Forum at this point. If I find out anything credible, I will post the findings back here. In any case good luck with getting yours back to normal.


I have only just commissioned the craft for flight, the first thing I did after registration was update the firmware as prompted so I cannot say if it worked before.
The annoying thing is its brand new and never been flown. not a good start to what I thought was a very nice piece of kit
I will post the results of what happens rest assured
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Thanks for the update, most appreciated here. I did post the issue on the DJI Inspire 1 Forum a few hours ago, but no bites as of yet. My other Inspire 1 and Phantom 2 will be staying at their current firmware levels at this point, as they have zero issues, and I plan on keeping it that way.

Please post the results of your finding here, and I will do the same when I receive the new X3, which should be a solve, albeit for ~$459.00 USD. I am going to bring the faulty X3 to a repair facility during an upcoming trip; that might prove interesting from a variety of viewpoints...


I am assuming these X3's are early production models? (First part of 2015).
Am I right?
If so, your only option would be to purchase another X3.
Some early X3's suffered this intermittent video issue (usually after a FW flash but was not firmware version related).
Never did get to the bottom of it and DJI will never admit it.
Yes mine is one of the first in Canada possibly a late 2014 if that's possible. Interestingly the problem has progressively worsened over time, though the bird flys like a dream.
I just did a complete maintenance check on the whole bird, gimbal cal, IMU cal, contact cleaning, including uninstalling- reinstalling all software, relinking the remote... The issue persists. Radio right beside the inspire "no image". Unseat the camera and reinstall. Works fine.
Will try another test after resetting the controller. Hopefully a flight test after the snow storm will reveal something positive.
Incidentally I unplugged the iPad on the master and the slave still had an HDMI picture and control of the gimbal. So ruling out the iPad mini2 as not powerful enough with all the new "features" Go has inherited over the past year.
I am assuming these X3's are early production models? (First part of 2015).
Am I right?
If so, your only option would be to purchase another X3.
Some early X3's suffered this intermittent video issue (usually after a FW flash but was not firmware version related).
Never did get to the bottom of it and DJI will never admit it.
Would you consider the z3 an option. I have heard mixed reviews. x3 is 94º FOV and z3 is 92º FOV plus zoom... seems like a good idea?
Yes mine is one of the first in Canada possibly a late 2014 if that's possible. Interestingly the problem has progressively worsened over time, though the bird flys like a dream.
I just did a complete maintenance check on the whole bird, gimbal cal, IMU cal, contact cleaning, including uninstalling- reinstalling all software, relinking the remote... The issue persists. Radio right beside the inspire "no image". Unseat the camera and reinstall. Works fine.
Will try another test after resetting the controller. Hopefully a flight test after the snow storm will reveal something positive.
Incidentally I unplugged the iPad on the master and the slave still had an HDMI picture and control of the gimbal. So ruling out the iPad mini2 as not powerful enough with all the new "features" Go has inherited over the past year.
A simple check would be to replace the mounting plate or fit an X5 style one (both readily available).
If that doesn't fix the issue then it's a new X3 I'm afraid
It's a strange issue that affected early production cameras and the only fix that I know of is a camera swap.
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Mine was purchased late 2016 and has this problem see above post's, It's back at dji they have had it a week now and I have not heard anything yet.
Hope to get it back soon all working :)
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Please keep us informed; I have had zero success hearing back from DJI on this issue, and I am really interested to find out their (DJI's) solution that they need to offer.. My old X3 (old firmware) works fine with the AC/RC with the updated firmware, so it will stay firmly attached to that bird. I am still waiting to receive the brand-new X3, along with a Osmo Handle kit. My plan is that the bricked X3 will work without problems on it, hopefully turning a "lemon into lemonade" for the students at school to have a stabilized 4K camera for their use.

BTW: So much for the problem happening only with early production X3's...you managed to shoot down that theory pretty quick!


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