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Your thoughts on this possible issue?

Mar 22, 2015
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So, a few days ago I was at sea when a thought hit me:

The reason why we keep the GPS antenna low on a boat is because signal reflection on the water causes errors in reading, the GPS signal bounces off the sea and hits an antenna placed high (on a mast for example), thus creating shadow signal and inaccuracy in positioning.

Could it be that similar phenomenon could happen when flying at certain altitudes over a flat sea?
I have flown a few times over water at different altitudes and always in moderate winds (rippled water so I would assume a scattered bounced signal) and never had a positioning issue, but I would love your thoughts on this.

On another note, I think it would be extremely useful to have some debug overlay with sensors/gps related values displayed on the screen.
My understanding is that the lower the gps receiver on a boat the less it is subject to movement from the ocean and therefore the more accurate it is. for instance on my 55ft sail boat the gps receiver down at deck level moves both in forward motion and with the variation of wave action. The same gps receiver on the slam boat moving at the same speed would be moved around more violently the further up the mast it goes. the base of the mast may move a few inches while the top of the mast can move meters with the same action.
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