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Zenmuse x3 camera and gimbal not responding

Feb 16, 2018
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Hi all,

I recently purchased an used Inspire 1v1 without camera. I bought a Zenmuse x3 camera but when I install the camera neither the camera and gimbal works.

I don't have the firmware information with me but I know the RC have the latest firmware (will ad this information later).

I receiveD a message on the DJI Go app that the gimbal is disconnected and I have no image or control over the camera. I tried to disconnect and reconnnect the cable on the gimbal mount. I also tried to put the Inspire in travel postion and then back on Flight position before installing the camera.

I'm also trying to find someone with an Inspire 1 to test the camera to make sure the problem is not there but I'm really clueless right now about how to fix this issue...

Is anybody expereienced this problem? I can't find that much information on this. Maybe it's because the sofware of the Inspire is to new compare to the X3 camera?

Thanks for your help.
I looked very closely at the contact and they are perfect. I ordered the 2 cables that connect the gimbal mount to the Inspire just in case. I should receive them soon. But the guy I purchased it from told me everything was working fine. Weird. The tech from the shop I purchased the camera told me that maybe the firmware on the camera is not matching the Inspire firmware. I don't know what to think.

Next step, I think I will take it for repair...
Try the osmo first. Then you know it's the x3 or the inspire. So you know what to repair.
I looked very closely at the contact and they are perfect. I ordered the 2 cables that connect the gimbal mount to the Inspire just in case. I should receive them soon. But the guy I purchased it from told me everything was working fine. Weird. The tech from the shop I purchased the camera told me that maybe the firmware on the camera is not matching the Inspire firmware. I don't know what to think.

Next step, I think I will take it for repair...
My guess: flat ribbon from x3 fried.....
So thats the cable that run from the camera throught the gimbal? It can be fried even on a brand new camera?

I really hope I can test another camera on my Inspire and also the x3 on another Inspire... I hope they can do this at the shop. I will post updates on my issue.

Yes! Possibly it’s only come lose. You can check the top connector bu unscrewing the top contact board. Be careful. But the shop is a safer solution.

I fix the x3 cameras all the time.

Something is certainly disconnected, either to the plug or the flat ribbon within the camera.

If you got the x3 as is from the seller, then you may have a bad one someone tried to fix and failed.
If you start taking apart the x3, be very cautious NOT to touch the metal hex nuts under the driver boards, they stabilize the gimbal.

- good cable will show video footage, if camera works, but no gimbal movement
- bad cable = no response
- bad connection = no response

If you need my assistance or have other questions, dont hesitate to ask.
I carry a lot of x3 parts, and will be posting some pics on repairing them shortly on the forum.
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Hi Linuxglobal,

My X3 and Inspire are at the repair shop at this moment. The camera was brand new but I assume their was a problem with it. I should have an answer from the repair shop this week. DJI will take back the camera if it's not working and they will send me another one but it will take around a month...

I let you know about the conclusion.

Thanks for your help!
Hi Linuxglobal,

My X3 and Inspire are at the repair shop at this moment. The camera was brand new but I assume their was a problem with it. I should have an answer from the repair shop this week. DJI will take back the camera if it's not working and they will send me another one but it will take around a month...

I let you know about the conclusion.

Thanks for your help!

No worries, I just do my part to share what I have reverse engineered from repairing these gimbals.
My guess is the controllers inside are programmed once installed in some sort of stable jig.

That's why the north can be all over the place.

What yours probably ran into is a jolt or shock during transport, either damage to the IC or just magnet moved out of place. But if its new, not worth taking apart. Mine are usually off balance after a crash so the magnet location is out of sync.
Just got a reply from the repair store. Finally, the problem is the camera so I will send it back to DJI and get a new X3 or X5.

Thanks for all he help.
I fix the x3 cameras all the time.

Something is certainly disconnected, either to the plug or the flat ribbon within the camera.

If you got the x3 as is from the seller, then you may have a bad one someone tried to fix and failed.
If you start taking apart the x3, be very cautious NOT to touch the metal hex nuts under the driver boards, they stabilize the gimbal.

- good cable will show video footage, if camera works, but no gimbal movement
- bad cable = no response
- bad connection = no response

If you need my assistance or have other questions, dont hesitate to ask.
I carry a lot of x3 parts, and will be posting some pics on repairing them shortly on the forum.
Hi, so if.im getting video footage but.no movement of camera what would tje problem be? I crashed it and the camera was broken off. Ive repaired it all except the movement. It was getting movement then getting stuck so I took it apart and I did touch one of those hex nuts. Bad idea I guess, then it stopped moving all together. I pulled it apart and put back together again and didn't help until I was packing up then It started moving again for a.couple seconds then it stopped again. So I thought maybe a dodgey connection but wasn't sure which one. Any help be appreciated
I fix the x3 cameras all the time.

Something is certainly disconnected, either to the plug or the flat ribbon within the camera.

If you got the x3 as is from the seller, then you may have a bad one someone tried to fix and failed.
If you start taking apart the x3, be very cautious NOT to touch the metal hex nuts under the driver boards, they stabilize the gimbal.

- good cable will show video footage, if camera works, but no gimbal movement
- bad cable = no response
- bad connection = no response

If you need my assistance or have other questions, dont hesitate to ask.
I carry a lot of x3 parts, and will be posting some pics on repairing them shortly on the forum.
Hi, I have an X3 that I would like to repair, can I send it to you? thank you!

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