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Beware johnq816 on this forum. FAKE SELLER!

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Nov 3, 2015
Reaction score
Fake seller responding to WTB posts with fishing scam. He tried to fish with photos and description from a sold ebay auction, asking for direct bank transfer, would not do paypal nor send a photo of his current ID next to the I2 we were trying to buy.
Word to the wise.
Paypal only when dealing with unknowns. I bought a Zenmuse Z3 from a newbie on this forum for $500. Got it and it was exactly as described! Sweet deal....
He said he had a brand new X5 he would sell for $500, so being that I already bought one item from him and it was legit, I sent him the $. He never sent me anything other than a bogus tracking number. Thankfully, I had paid via paypal! I opened a case and got my money back. It just took some time.
Protect yourself!
There are &*$$#@'s out there!
@johnq816 - would you like to comment on the contents of this thread before I pull the plug on you, as I have similar complaints elsewhere?
You have 24 hours to respond before your IP is banned.
Just to clarify, I was corroborating the post bryharv made. Both Bryharv and myself were looking to purchase Inspire 2's. johnq816 appears to be a fake seller as he sent a message to bryharv with pictures from what appear to be an old ebay listing. When I asked for some photo ID before proceeding with any kind of purchase, he instead sent me some EBay feedback. Then he sent me an ID that had been photoshopped.
@bryharv - would you like to comment on the contents of this thread before I pull the plug on you, as I have similar complaints elsewhere?
You have 24 hours to respond before your IP is banned.
Not sure I'm understanding you. Pull the plug on me? Why? I'm merely warning this forum and its members of a bogus seller. Moderator Mazz contacted me and I've supplied him the full correspondence with this guy. Furthermore, if you read his 5 posts on this forum and connect the dots you can easily determine he's fake. He even copy and pasted one of his posts here from another forum, interestingly enough, something about a fake seller. Yet he forgot to remove the quotes. etc...etc....
Just to clarify, I was corroborating the post bryharv made. Both Bryharv and myself were looking to purchase Inspire 2's. johnq816 appears to be a fake seller as he sent a message to bryharv with pictures from what appear to be an old ebay listing. When I asked for some photo ID before proceeding with any kind of purchase, he instead sent me some EBay feedback. Then he sent me an ID that had been photoshopped.
Apologies - my bad.....now corrected.
Not sure I'm understanding you. Pull the plug on me? Why? I'm merely warning this forum and its members of a bogus seller. Moderator Mazz contacted me and I've supplied him the full correspondence with this guy. Furthermore, if you read his 5 posts on this forum and connect the dots you can easily determine he's fake. He even copy and pasted one of his posts here from another forum, interestingly enough, something about a fake seller. Yet he forgot to remove the quotes. etc...etc....
Apologies....as above. I meant johnq816.
You will NOT be banned.:)
+1 from us on the comments posted by @bryharv - our experience was a little different with johnq816 but he had the same issue with using PayPal and had to receive money a different way. He wanted to trade something with us that he thought was very difficult to find. Surprised by his comments we looked him up on the MavicPilots forum only to find that this "difficult to find item he wanted" (a Mavic) was also something he was posting for sale there. Once we told him he would have to send his trade to us first, we never heard another word.

On the other hand, @bryharv is a client of ours and all of our experiences with him have been good...we are actually familiar with him going back 5 years on another forum...just wanted to chime in our experiences with both parties.
johnq816 - you are definitely trying to scam people. Anybody can google johnq816 and see all the telltale signs. How many forums across the internet are you trying this scam? I found many: You joined this forum August 11, claiming to be a brand new drone pilot. Then days later you offer a classified selling an Inspire 1. On another forum (Drone Pilot Talk), also joined in August using the name johnq816 you say you are an Inspire 2 owner. Then on MavicPilots.com, also joined August 19th this year you claim to be selling a Mavic.

Funny that "Juan Carlos" sent us a badly Photoshopped California ID that says Riverbank CA- the very same place you claim to be from in your fake classified ad that you are selling an Inspire 1. Yet you don't know "Juan Carlos" but just happen to be from Riverbank CA too? Yeah right...


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This is being handled. Once all of the proper information is in, consequences will be delivered. His IP is recorded and, if proof is sound, he will be banned across pilot forums.

Innocent until proven guilty.

I would also like to mention that we are thankful to the members for their vigilance in reporting scammers and other forum trouble makers alike. It is with your help we are able to keep this an information library with like minds coming together to discuss a shared hobby and business. Lets keep the crap out.....
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