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First Real Estate shoot with Litchi.

So here's my opinion. I actually stopped watching after 2 minutes and here's why.

1) I feel like after 2 minutes I had already seen everything there was to see.
2) The movements are way too jerky and fast for "my" liking.
3) I think you were flying too high in many of the shots.
4) The still images used in conjunction with the aerial shots are very low quality.
5) The music is a little loud.

I think slow, lower and more smoother panning and tilt movements would have made this a little better.
So here's my opinion. I actually stopped watching after 2 minutes and here's why.

1) I feel like after 2 minutes I had already seen everything there was to see.
2) The movements are way too jerky and fast for "my" liking.
3) I think you were flying too high in many of the shots.
4) The still images used in conjunction with the aerial shots are very low quality.
5) The music is a little loud.

I think slow, lower and more smoother panning and tilt movements would have made this a little better.
I really appreciate your feed back Dodge, thanks again.
@Tim Cameron - with Litchi are you able to pre plan your flight? A situation like this would be perfect for AutoFlight. I'm not a spokesperson nor am I even 100% satisfied with the AutoFlight app however; being able to setup waypoints, POI's, focus triggers, altitude changes and preview the flight in app (or using google earth and importing) before ever putting the bird in the air is a huge plus.

I have only done a couple of really extensive waypoint missions with the app, none of which I filmed but when I say it works great for a space like this - that's the truth.
Yes, you can set up extensive missions on your computer before hand. Litchi does everything you have mentioned Dodge.
Tim, good start to this kind of work and Dodge gave you some good tips. I would add, never make a RE shoot more than 1 minute long if possible and certainly no more than 2. While I'm sure this site holds a lot of warm memories and value to the owner, I would probably have discouraged shooting video. The out buildings and autos in the video detract from the house.
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I thought it was a roof inspection just kidding no really I thought several of the shots were too far away I would've liked to see more shots at say a 20 - 30 foot height . Good effort it's all just a learning process , you didn't crash so it was a successful shoot...
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I really think some of your moves are nice and buttery. If you came down and added some foreground elements ( like the tree line next to the house ) then edited tighter you would have some solid content. Even without the reshoot I think if you edited in just a 30-60 second and only used your flights with smooth camera moves you would have a solid piece for your client. Great work sir.
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@Tim Cameron - with Litchi are you able to pre plan your flight? A situation like this would be perfect for AutoFlight. I'm not a spokesperson nor am I even 100% satisfied with the AutoFlight app however; being able to setup waypoints, POI's, focus triggers, altitude changes and preview the flight in app (or using google earth and importing) before ever putting the bird in the air is a huge plus.

I have only done a couple of really extensive waypoint missions with the app, none of which I filmed but when I say it works great for a space like this - that's the truth.


Can you explain how you would program AutoFlight to film this shot? I would like more information about path, altitude, camera angle, etc.

I also see that this cabin has several wires and even an antenna surrounding the buildings. Probably none of this is showing on google earth or whatever you use to map the area prior to arrival. Do you scout the area before you program AutoFlight or do you modify the planned route in the field?

I would like to understand your thought process in your planning of the filming. Perhaps a new thread would be the best way to answer this question?
@Dave Armbrust - I don't mind but I can't seem to get the address to populate in google earth or google maps. Every address I put in leads to the middle of a dirt road.
I agree with everyone above about it being 1-2 min long max...people need to have the "feeling" before that time is up. Some other helpful hints in this type of video from a directors standpoint would be as follows:
1. Create the "experience" and "excitement" of them arriving at the place (fly down the driveway etc)
2. Open the front door and fly in.
3. Fly lower to show around the property.
4. carry the drone from room to room accenting the highlights.

In short, give me a virtual tour so I get interested in being there.
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Can you explain how you would program AutoFlight to film this shot? I would like more information about path, altitude, camera angle, etc.

I also see that this cabin has several wires and even an antenna surrounding the buildings. Probably none of this is showing on google earth or whatever you use to map the area prior to arrival. Do you scout the area before you program AutoFlight or do you modify the planned route in the field?

I would like to understand your thought process in your planning of the filming. Perhaps a new thread would be the best way to answer this question?

One thing people commonly forget or don't know how to do is "storyboard" a project. it allows you to layout each shot in sequence from start to finish to tell the story. It's invaluable, makes you think! And I've always been heard to keep the length of the clip around 3 seconds max. Adds interest.
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Not bad but here is my 2 cents on promoting a business like a hunt lodge.....

1- Way too much footage of the actual structure and just flying around it.
2- The panning actually made me sick to my stomach like I was actually on a roller coaster.......slower easier panning and these can be post edited mot often in the video if you do not do it live.
3- The music I felt was wrong.....I hate most often actual lyrics being sung unless it is for an even that promotes just that. Instrumental I feel would have been best.
4- Way too long for a promotion of a hunt lodge. 2 minutes tops on this would have been plenty in my book and that is if you had a lot to showcase......BREVITY BREVITY BREVITY.
5- maybe some video of actual clay shooting from the back right or left of shooters would have been a great addition.

I loved the intro in the beginning and the use of still photos. More of that maybe and a lot less of the house/lodge. The point was made in the beginning.

But hey, everyone is a critic as you know. But I think you could easily cut this down to a 2 minute piece and still get a great showcase down. Very good otherwise.
I think I will applaud the effort and putting yourself out there. I hope to put a video together and put myself for commentary in the future. We are all learning. Onward and upward.


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