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Image MP query

Mar 11, 2017
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Hi all

I apologise for a newbie question but I'm wondering why the digital stills I'm taking are only 7 -8 MP in size (according to the DJI Go app when you look at them in the Gallery) when it is a 20 MP camera taking them! Is there a setting to increase the image MP size? I've looked through the X4S manual and searched on this forum but I haven't been able to turn up an answer.

I would like eventually to acquire very high resolution stills for aerial mapping so I can zoom in and not lose detail.

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i do not know about the camera as i don't own one yet but for aerial mapping the distance from ground is also a factor (sirley you know that i guess ) i usually make images with drone deploy varing (depending on terrain) from 50- obviously flat terrain to 100-150m agl and still have good detail with my I1 - X3 :D
the app takes the highest rate possible by default as far as i know and noticed... you can adjust resolution in the app under the camera menu...

no offense meant and just adding my 2c :D
Hi all

I apologise for a newbie question but I'm wondering why the digital stills I'm taking are only 7 -8 MP in size (according to the DJI Go app when you look at them in the Gallery) when it is a 20 MP camera taking them! Is there a setting to increase the image MP size? I've looked through the X4S manual and searched on this forum but I haven't been able to turn up an answer.

I would like eventually to acquire very high resolution stills for aerial mapping so I can zoom in and not lose detail.

Are you taking them as JPG or DNG?

Thanks for the answers back;

Martin - I haven't done any aerial mapping yet but I am aware that height will factor into it - thank you (no offence taken; I appreciate you taking the time to comment).

Michael - The photos were as JPGs so I'm guessing this is my mistake. Am I right in thinking that DNG is a type of RAW file then and would therefore create larger files with greater resolution?

All the best.
Hi all

I apologise for a newbie question but I'm wondering why the digital stills I'm taking are only 7 -8 MP in size (according to the DJI Go app when you look at them in the Gallery) when it is a 20 MP camera taking them! Is there a setting to increase the image MP size? I've looked through the X4S manual and searched on this forum but I haven't been able to turn up an answer.

I would like eventually to acquire very high resolution stills for aerial mapping so I can zoom in and not lose detail.


I think this is a good answer to your question. Why does a 22.3 MP camera produce a 7 MB file size?
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