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Inspire 3 Thoughts

28 minute max time battery, nothing exciting here.
New smart controller is a nice upgrade.

Official I2 specs show 27 min flight time with the X4 and 23 min flight time with the X5S. Given that the I3 specs show 28 min flight time with the X9, I’d imagine it would be quoted as ~35 minutes using the X5S. But I don’t think it is compatible?

Still, the I3’s full frame competition is the Sony Airpeak which is only spec’d for an abysmal 12 min of flight time.
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I wonder if this X9 will be available and compatible with the I2

If the X9 were compatible with the I2 I imagine it’d have a similar spec flight time to the Airpeak (maybe 15 min?), but the E-mount lens system is far more mature than DL-mount. For me that makes the Airpeak the clear move if full frame is the main objective (over a hypothetical I2+X9 combo).

The lack of DL options turns me off the X7 as well, and honestly I think even balances the scales a little between the Airpeak and the I3. Though I do think I’d place more value on the extra flight time than sheer optical quality and the potential ability to zoom. It would of course be nice to use the same camera/lens system for aerial, terrestrial, and underwater work but I don’t shoot Sony anyway….

What I’d really like to see is an updated X5S camera paired with the X9’s gimbal to completely open up all of the micro four thirds lens lineup.

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