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Looking for someone to edit real estate videos... any suggestions?

Aug 7, 2015
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Hello, I enjoy the editing process but sometimes just do not have time to tackle that part of the project… I need someone to produce real estate video montages from the raw footage that we upload. If you enjoy editing and have experience please send me a private message or leave your suggestions here. Thanks very much.
what are your rates? Per video. Per Hour. Per Multi Package deal? Do you require it to be edited on a specific system.(Avid - FCPX- Premiere) What is the deadline for each project after started 1 day 1 hour 1 week?
Hi, thanks for responding… No specific video editing software required. One week deadline would be fine. No special credits or graphics required… Just realtor contact details at beginning and end of video with appropriate music. Our introductory pricing was $100 for editing the video out of the raw footage we shot ( we charge separately for the aerial photography part ).

Thanks again for your interest.
Hi, thanks for responding… No specific video editing software required. One week deadline would be fine. No special credits or graphics required… Just realtor contact details at beginning and end of video with appropriate music. Our introductory pricing was $100 for editing the video out of the raw footage we shot ( we charge separately for the aerial photography part ).

Thanks again for your interest.
$100? .. Oh God....
This is why none of the real professionals (that I know of) wants to touch the real estate market.
Yes... We can't work for nothing. The agents get well paid for the sale but don't want to pay anything reasonable to help sell the home. Why do people think our skills are worth nothing? Mine are worth at least $200 an hour.
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How many hours of editing does a professional need to create a 1 minute video cut down from approx 10 minutes of footage? I'm thinking more of a cookie cutter edit with few if any revisions by client. One would think you could get it down to less than an hour making the rate more than $100 hour. I guess it must take way longer. I know the first two minute long video I edited up took like 5 hours... but that was my first one and first time using the basic imovie software... here is the result :
. Lots of room for improvement I know.
Yes... We can't work for nothing. The agents get well paid for the sale but don't want to pay anything reasonable to help sell the home. Why do people think our skills are worth nothing? Mine are worth at least $200 an hour.

$200 per hour is great... is this what you actually get per hour worked including phone, email, uploading, etc time? And you put that rate on the invoice too? Nice work. :)
How many hours of editing does a professional need to create a 1 minute video cut down from approx 10 minutes of footage? I'm thinking more of a cookie cutter edit with few if any revisions by client. One would think you could get it down to less than an hour making the rate more than $100 hour. I guess it must take way longer. I know the first two minute long video I edited up took like 5 hours... but that was my first one and first time using the basic imovie software... here is the result :
. Lots of room for improvement I know.
You can't cut a video in an hour. Its to sell a house, not just a home movie. Colour correcting alone would take an hour. For a display home, I charge a flat rate of $2,200 but that includes filming.
How many hours of editing does a professional need to create a 1 minute video cut down from approx 10 minutes of footage? I'm thinking more of a cookie cutter edit with few if any revisions by client. One would think you could get it down to less than an hour making the rate more than $100 hour. I guess it must take way longer. I know the first two minute long video I edited up took like 5 hours... but that was my first one and first time using the basic imovie software... here is the result :
. Lots of room for improvement I know.
I can see why you think it should only take an hour to edit like that. I can do certainly edit that in an hour. Whats more important is to get better footage.. This a needs wide angle lens and all the footage is over exposed windows and doors. Sorry but you won't make a living out of this grade of work. Its not as easy as it sounds. Three a reason why we get paid for our skills. It takes years to get them.
That is great to hear.... I'll start charging more!
Yes, but you can't charge more for work like that. Sorry... you can't expect to just walk into a house and wave a camera around letting in light from windows and doors and overexposing everything. You need decent footage. Sit back and look at the video from a customers point of view. Do yo think your video showcases and enhances what the home has to offer? Do you thi k a customer would want to find out more about the home after seeing your video?
Dennis, you can stop being a ****.
i am not a pro yet and still need to improve a lot but what dennis is saying seems to hit the nail on the head. although it is said hard to the point. some parts are overexposed and depending on the clients and surroundings he is also right about the quality of footage. a wide angle lens should have been used which would show better seeing much more. despite being this his first movie i am sure he did improve and got some better gear to make better footage. - not dennis -
i would not go as far to insult dennis as he is mostly right and maybe could have written what he did in a more constructive way although he is right about most of what he said.
i work with pros around me and fortunaltey i am lucky enough to talk to pros a lot therefore i have an idea of time, work that goes into it and the effort that has to be done for a good video of any kind.
my 2c

edit: Dennis, try to be more supportive maybe :)

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i am not a pro yet and still need to improve a lot but what dennis is saying seems to hit the nail on the head. although it is said hard to the point. some parts are overexposed and depending on the clients and surroundings he is also right about the quality of footage. a wide angle lens should have been used which would show better seeing much more. despite being this his first movie i am sure he did improve and got some better gear to make better footage. - not dennis -
i would not go as far to insult dennis as he is mostly right and maybe could have written what he did in a more constructive way although he is right about most of what he said.
i work with pros around me and fortunaltey i am lucky enough to talk to pros a lot therefore i have an idea of time, work that goes into it and the effort that has to be done for a good video of any kind.
my 2c

edit: Dennis, try to be more supportive maybe :)

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I thought I was doing him a favour. I have been doing this business for 18 years and earn 330k plus a year. I have done the hard yards learning the right way to sell a product. Im not saying his video is bad, Im just saying he needs to learn his craft and he certainly can't charge clients for the work he does. He could start with camera courses and learn how to get some better footage. He also suggests that one can edit pro video in less than an hour. It would take an hour just to view the footage he sends to capture a minute from.
I thought I was doing him a favour. I have been doing this business for 18 years and earn 330k plus a year. I have done the hard yards learning the right way to sell a product. Im not saying his video is bad, Im just saying he needs to learn his craft and he certainly can't charge clients for the work he does. He could start with camera courses and learn how to get some better footage. He also suggests that one can edit pro video in less than an hour. It would take an hour just to view the footage he sends to capture a minute from.

Dennis, I know you meant no harm or offense. I would take you advice and learn from you in an instant if the possibility would be present. I live in Hungary and although I did participate in feature movies like Hercules that was shot here (I was in the Grip department) I learned a lot but not or better say never enough :)
I for myself to speak value the opinions from people that are in the business and have some mileage in the industry. In best cases I try to get next to them or keep the contact to learn as much as possible in a given moment or time.
Do you need a technician? LOL
to bad I am over the big pond :(
if you have samples or material you are willing to share I would be more than happy and glad if you do so. (if not publicly then PM me if you do feel you want to share your knowledge with an information hungry willing to learn young man LOL

other than that, I don´t think you have been insulting, maybe a little hard on the words but I could see that you are and were trying to help.
You call me a **** because Im a professional that has done the hard yards and make money you can only dream about? Thats a classic.

Sorry, perhaps I was being a bit harsh, but so were you. What he posted isn't the worst thing I've ever seen, and frankly, for a cheap house it probably does the trick. Being able to command $2,200 for a real estate shoot must be on extremely expensive properties that demand the perfection you're looking for.

I also make plenty of money, but thanks for your concern there.
I agree; I couldn't charge more for that work... No offense taken... like I said that was the first time I edited up a video using imovie and the first time I used that slider and fluid head.

This guy views, cuts down, re-orders adds music, does the color correction, and explains how to do it all in the process in 49 minutes.

Now I know the above video isn't ready to be used in a super bowl commercial or the beginning of a DiCaprio movie but it is of the quality that most realtors would be happy/thrilled with. He gets is done in 49 minutes.

Dennis; please share some of your work if you are comfortable... we'd love to see your work.
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Sorry, perhaps I was being a bit harsh, but so were you. What he posted isn't the worst thing I've ever seen, and frankly, for a cheap house it probably does the trick. Being able to command $2,200 for a real estate shoot must be on extremely expensive properties that demand the perfection you're looking for.

I also make plenty of money, but thanks for your concern there.
My charge of $2,200 is for a display home and much different to a property for sale. The company that builds the homes makes millions from customers choosing them to build their home so $2,200 to showcase a home is peanuts. Im not saying his video is the worst but it won't do the trick to sell a house. He would be much better off using stills that are taken by a pro to create a video. Theres no sense in trying to shoot without the skills required and having everything over exposed. it doesn't enhance the home and it sure won't get customers to want to view the house either. I think its best to be a bit harsh than to have someone get the wrong idea about making money in real estate. It takes work and a lot of trial and error to shoot a house. A house has to be shot in a way that the customer will want to view the actual home. Anyhow, thats my view. Im bowing out. I don't want to be upsetting anyone here.

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