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Crashed Inspire V1

  • Media owner Frogsby90
  • Date added
I will take the SD card :) You could probably take it apart and sell the parts that aren't broken for 200-400 dollars.
@UAV Man I wish I did it was an early time before it was a common offering we got this right when the inspire came out!!! Fortunately it was the only crash we have had since then we have learned the lesson for sure. Return to home used to be so much worse.
@Frogsby90 I had a similar level of damage, Inspire versus concrete sea wall, 1.2k win to sea wall :( wasn't a RTH issue, was an idiot on controller issue (me). I don't use the RTH, too many near misses in early days so all LOS and manual.
@UAV Man Yeah that was our problem we were in between buildings in Dallas and lost satellite signal so it just automatically returned to home but right into a building it was only up about 4 feet but still was enough to do some damage
@Frogsby90 Yeah these things are pretty much throw away, design over strength. My next will be a DIY hex, at least then the repair bills will be less.

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Crashed Inspire V1.jpeg
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3264px x 2448px

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