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  1. S

    ProRes 422 D-Cinelike Problem (Lut baked into footage)

    Hey Y'all, I recently flew with my Inspire 2 X5S and recorded in PreRes 422 D-Cinelike. When I watched the footage after the shoot I found that all my footage looked like a LUT had been baked onto the footage. I went home and did more tests and had the same outcome when shooting D-Cinelike...
  2. S

    Recording on SSD forces Log profile onto Micro SD

    Hi Guys, I'm new here and couldn't find anything related to this issue. When I turn SSD on to record in Pro Res I'm finding that my 4K backup on the Micro SD card automatically forces the recording style to LOG. I like to record in D-Cinelike on the Micro SD with custom settings and can't find a...