music video

  1. Filming Dancers with a long lens at 2500m for a Music Video

    Filming with a long lens can be very difficult especially in cold conditions at 2500m. This is only possible with dual operation and great piloting skills, thanks Max for putting up with me! Thanks to Ro Bergman for letting us use the footage.
  2. The Reality of Aerial Video

    Here is a link to a music video I did aerial work for. A good example of reality. My video comprises about 10 seconds on this video (Inspire X3) and the rest was shot on Red Epics. I spent hours flying and recording. On the other hand, I got to work with a very cool band and production crew.
  3. Music Video - All Osmo

    This video was shot entirely with the Osmo. (Not my kind of music, but hey...!)